Eating Healthfully on a Tight Budget

"by Amy Scholten, MPH
When you are on a tight budget, shopping for food can be a daunting experience. It is a common misconception that cutting back on food expenses means sacrificing good nutrition. However, you can be healthier and wealthier by getting wiser about planning meals and shopping. Here are some guidelines that can help:

Let the Pyramid Be Your Guide

Many people plan their meals around meat, and leave grains, vegetables, and fruit for side dishes. However, according to the, the bulk of your diet should be made up of whole grains (whole wheat breads and pasta and brown rice), and lots of vegetables and fruit. Meats and dairy products should be treated as side dishes and eaten less frequently. This is not only more economical but more healthful. Here are a few examples of meals made mostly with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables:
  • Chili—beans, vegetables, meat, served with a salad
  • Stir-fry—vegetables with a small amount of meat served over rice or pasta and a salad
  • Stews or soup—beans, vegetables, pasta, rice, meat or chicken, served with salad
  • Taco—beans or meat with lots of lettuce, tomato, onions, and a corn tortilla

Make It From Scratch

Many of the prepackaged, boxed, canned, and frozen foods you buy from the store are high in fat, calories, sodium, sugar, and cost, compared with foods prepared at home. They may also be comparatively lower in vitamins and minerals. You pay for the fancy packaging and convenience of these items, but you get much less for your money. For example, you can make many more bags of popcorn from a bag of un-popped corn compared to buying a bag of already-popped popcorn. The pre-made popcorn is much more expensive and has more fat and sodium than what you can make at home. Of course, making food from scratch may take a little more time, but it can be well worth it in terms of cost and nutrition.

Have a Game Plan for Shopping

Have a game plan for shopping that includes what you are going to buy and where you are going to buy it. Here are some tips on developing a shopping plan:
  • Plan meals and snacks several days in advance. Then write out a shopping list—and stick to it!
  • Compare prices among grocery stores. Shop at national chains and discount food outlets. Do not shop at convenience stores.
  • Go to stores that sell generic foods, store brand foods, and foods in bulk.
  • Use coupons with caution. They are often for foods that are more expensive. Do not buy junk food, or something you normally would not buy, just because you have a coupon.
  • Never shop on an empty stomach.
  • Look for sales on items that are on your list.
"Make sure the food you buy is fresh," says registered dietician Angela Forbes. "Sometimes food on sale is starting to get old. Always check the dates on perishable items such as meat, because you want it to be safe. If you cannot use food before it spoils, you will just end up wasting it. If you have food in your home that is starting to get old, either find a way to use it right away—put it in another dish, for example—or freeze it."

Check the Unit Prices of Items

The unit price calculates the cost of a product per unit. For example, a unit could be by the ounce, pound, or number of items in a package. Unit prices are usually marked on the shelf below the product. For example, let's say you are looking for canned beets and there are three different brands to choose from. If you look at the unit price below each one, you can find the brand that is cheapest, especially if you buy the largest can. However, it only makes sense to buy the largest can if you are sure you will use it all.

Read Food Labels

It is easier to make the most nutritious choice when you know how to read the nutrition facts label. These labels contain the nutritional information and are found on most packaged foods. Use the nutrition facts label to focus on the facts that are most important to you, such as the fat, sugar, or sodium content. Nutritional labels make it easier for you to compare similar products.

Buy in Bulk…When It Makes Sense

Save time and money by buying in bulk. You can buy in bulk through supermarkets, buying clubs, food cooperatives, farmer's markets, and warehouses. When you buy in bulk, you can purchase a product in multiple or large units that can be stored, or from an open container in the store, such as a bin of rice where you can scoop out as much as you want. Before buying in bulk, keep the following tips in mind:
  • Buy only products that your family will like and use often enough so that they will be used before spoiling or becoming outdated. Otherwise, you will waste food and money.
  • Not all bulk items are bargains. Make sure the item is really a good buy and saves you money. Check the unit price; do not just look at the size of the package.
  • When you buy in bulk, you buy more than you can use before your next shopping trip. Be sure you have enough money to do this.
  • You should know what type of storage is needed for the product and have enough space to store it.
  • Beware that buying in bulk can lead families to overeat or eat too quickly. If this happens, you could run out of food or money before the end of the month. Make sure you can store food so that it will not get eaten too quickly.
  • Know proper storage times for different foods. For example:
    • Ground meats: 3-4 months in the freezer
    • Hot dogs: 1-2 months in the freezer
    • Eggs: 3-5 weeks in the refrigerator
    • Dry onions: 2 months in the refrigerator
    • Opened lunch meats: 3-5 days in the refrigerator
    • Flour: lasts longest in the freezer
    • Dried peas and beans: up to 1 year
"You can also prepare food in bulk and freeze the leftovers," says Forbes. "For example, you can make a big pot of soup or lasagna. Leftovers can be separated into small proportions that are dated and frozen. Do not freeze and then thaw a large portion of food (more than you will eat in a serving) because you will end up wasting most of it."

Eat at Home

Eating out can be expensive and the food is often high in fat, salt, and sugar. A spaghetti dinner at a restaurant could cost $10 or more, but only a few dollars if you prepared it at home. At a restaurant, your extra costs go toward profits and tips. Consider having a potluck. When you entertain guests at home, ask them to bring a dish.

Be Prepared

If you are going to be out running errands or shopping with your family, bring some healthy snacks and drinks with you. That way, if hunger hits, you will not be tempted to stop at a fast food restaurant or buy snacks from a vending machine—something that can hurt your wallet and your waistline. Whether you make snacks at home or buy them from the grocery store, it is less expensive than buying them in the mall.


American Dietetic Association


Dietitians of Canada


Clemson University Cooperative Extension. Available at: .
University of Vermont Cooperative Extension. Available at:
Last reviewed May 2010 by Brian Randall, MD"


Portugueses comem carne e pescado a mais e hortícolas e leguminosas a menos

in Jornal Público, 01/12/2010, Por Natália Faria

"Consumo de gorduras saturadas excede as recomendações internacionais e ajuda a explicar aumento das doenças cardiovasculares, responsáveis por 32 por cento das mortes em 2008

Calorias e gordura a mais, frutos, hortícolas e leguminosas a menos. A dieta portuguesa já conheceu melhores dias. Entre 2003 e 2008, segundo o Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), os portugueses abusaram também do grupo alimentar da carne, pescado e ovos e elegeram a cerveja como bebida alcoólica preferida. Dado curioso: o consumo de iogurtes baixou pela primeira vez em 14 anos e o bacalhau também continua a perder importância.

Numa comparação com os hábitos alimentares da década de 90, o INE constatou que os desequilíbrios à mesa se acentuaram. Em termos de calorias ingeridas, as quantidades diárias correspondiam em média a 3883 quilocalorias, ou seja, bastante acima das 2000 a 2500 recomendadas.

Esta distorção decorre, em parte, de um consumo de carne, pescado e ovos 11 pontos percentuais acima do recomendado - este grupo representa 16,3 por cento da alimentação diária no período estudado, enquanto a roda dos alimentos recomenda apenas cinco por cento. Em sentido contrário, a ingestão de hortícolas está dez pontos percentuais abaixo do recomendado.

Aquém do recomendado fica também o consumo de leguminosas secas - feijão, grão-de-bico, lentilhas, com 0,7 por cento -, contra um padrão aconselhado de quatro por cento. Dito doutro modo, para ficarem mais próximos da alimentação ideal os portugueses deviam aumentar cinco vezes a ingestão de leguminosas secas. Os frutos, que deveriam representar 20 por cento da alimentação, também andam reduzidos a 14 por cento, ou seja, seis pontos percentuais abaixo do recomendado.

Bacalhau em perda No grupo óleos e gorduras, a ingestão aumentou quatro por cento relativamente à década de 90, tendo-se fixado nos seis por cento, contra os dois por cento recomendados. Não seria tão grave, se as gorduras não fossem um dos principais factores de risco para o desenvolvimento das doenças cardiovasculares e se estas não tivessem sido a principal causa de morte em Portugal em 2008 - cerca de 32 por cento do total.

A carne de porco é a mais consumida, representando 38 por cento do total deste grupo, mas a sua importância decresceu um ponto percentual entre 2003 e 2008. A ingestão de carne de animais de capoeira, por seu turno, tem vindo a aumentar e já representa 33 por cento das disponibilidades alimentares das carnes. O INE concluiu, aliás, que as crises dos nitrofuranos (2003) e da gripe das aves (2006) não afectaram o consumo destas carnes. O facto de se tratar de carne branca, mais barata e menos gorda, pode ajudar a explicar o aumento de três pontos percentuais no seu consumo, segundo o INE.

Já o bacalhau tem vindo a perder importância dentro do grupo do pescado, tendo o seu consumo diminuído em cerca de 20 por cento no período analisado. Explicação: o aumento do preço, que chegou aos 9,4 por cento em 2008.

No grupo dos lacticínios - cujo consumo está dois pontos percentuais acima dos 18 por cento recomendados -, o INE detectou uma retracção do consumo em 2008. Explicação: a escassez de matéria-prima na indústria transformadora de lacticínios, que provocou um aumento dos preços na produção do leite cru e, consequentemente, junto do consumidor. Esta retracção incidiu nos iogurtes (quatro por cento) e no queijo (dois por cento). Aliás, no caso dos iogurtes foi a primeira vez em 14 anos que houve uma diminuição do consumo.

No campo dos cereais, prepondera o arroz. Aliás, Portugal é o país europeu que consome mais arroz, com uma média de 17,3 quilos por habitante por ano - em Espanha esse valor é de seis quilos por habitante/ano. Este aumento surge acompanhado por uma diminuição do consumo de tubérculos e raízes como batata e cenoura. Boa notícia: o azeite tende a substituir a margarina na dieta alimentar.

A cerveja mostrou ser a bebida preferida dos portugueses, com o seu consumo a sobrepor-se ao do vinho. Entre 2003 e 2008, a quantidade disponível para consumo diário per capita de bebidas alcoólicas decresceu oito por cento. A excepção foi 2004, ano em que o Euro 2004 fez aumentar o consumo de álcool, sobretudo à custa da cerveja que, nesse ano, aumentou dois por cento. Quanto ao vinho, perde importância desde a década de 90 e, entre 2003 e 2008, o seu consumo desceu dez por cento. Nas bebidas não alcoólicas, o consumo de água aumentou três por cento e o de refrigerantes diminuiu sete por cento."

Comentário: Por uma política de educação alimentar
Por Alexandra Bento

"É sabido que a alimentação se encontra directamente relacionada com o estado de saúde das populações e que um padrão alimentar saudável está associado à prevenção de diversas doenças, nomeadamente obesidade, doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes tipo 2 e alguns tipos de cancro. Torna-se, por isso, imprescindível conhecer as tendências de consumo alimentar das populações.

A Balança Alimentar Portuguesa de 2003-2008, agora divulgada pelo INE, reflecte os resultados de alguns estudos que têm sido efectuados e que demonstram que a alimentação dos portugueses não é equilibrada. Assim, quando se compara a disponibilidade dos grupos de alimentos com o preconizado na Roda dos Alimentos, verifica-se que apenas nos grupos dos "Cereais e Tubérculos" e "Lacticínios" as disponibilidades dos portugueses para os respectivos consumos se apresentam próximas do padrão alimentar aconselhado.

Para promover a saúde e prevenir a doença, os portugueses deviam aumentar as quantidades consumidas de leguminosas, frutos e hortícolas e diminuir o consumo de carne, pescado e ovos e também de óleos e gorduras. De referir que o aumento do consumo de gorduras saturadas está relacionado com o aumento do risco de doenças cardiovasculares - a principal causa de morte em Portugal!

Estes dados são semelhantes aos verificados na Balança Alimentar anterior, o que demonstra que muito há ainda a fazer para melhorar a alimentação do nosso povo. É fundamental estabelecer-se medidas de política de educação alimentar na selecção criteriosa e variada dos grupos alimentares e na moderação do consumo, sem descurar a importância do envolvimento de todos os stakeholders com responsabilidades e interesses neste vasto universo que é a nutrição e alimentação, na sua correlação com a saúde."
Presidente da Associação Portuguesa dos Nutricionistas

Dr Mao 9 Spices for Health, Energy and Longevity!

By Dr. Maoshing Ni
Oct 29, 2010
"The colder weather is beckoning us back to our kitchens. Break out the spices to bring warmth, robust flavor, and a bounty of health benefits, including higher energy, increased immunity, and other life-enhancing surprises.
Considered to be dried seeds, fruit, roots or bark, spices have been valued for centuries by ancient cultures for their culinary and medicinal properties. For instance, a traditional Indian beauty trick was to spread turmeric paste on the skin to beautify it and prevent pimples. And Chinese doctors have used ginger since ancient times to cure aches and pains.

Here are some spices that you can start cooking with right away to elevate your longevity and health!
1. Garlic wards off heart disease
In addition to warding off Count Dracula, garlic, the spicy favorite in Italian fare, has been shown to improve cholesterol and lower blood pressure. According to the National Health and Medical Research Council, consuming half to one clove of garlic daily may reduce cholesterol by nearly ten percent. Your breath might suffer, but your heart will thank you. As an antibacterial, garlic is often used to treat minor infections.
2. Spotlight on cinnamon
Another ancient spice to recently come under scientific investigation is cinnamon. In the United States, cinnamon is usually thought of as the delicious spice in apple pie filling, but in other parts of the world, especially India and Asia, cinnamon has been used as a healing herb for centuries. Research is finally catching up to the wisdom of the East; many clinical studies have linked cinnamon consumption to lowered blood sugar. Both in vitro and human studies show improvement in insulin sensitivity with cinnamon polyphenols, as well as improvement in total and LDL cholesterol. Cinnamon is also thought to detoxify the system and stimulate brain function. Its antiseptic properties give it the ability to fight bladder infection, and if taken in the first 48 hours, a cup of strong cinnamon tea might just nip a bladder infection in the bud. Keep in mind that mixed study results make it difficult to prove these benefits on paper -- but it doesn't hurt to sprinkle a teaspoon into your next bowl of oatmeal.
3. Curry for joint health
Are your aching joints not jumping for joy in these autumn days? Try sprinkling some curry on your veggie omelet. Curry, a staple spice combo in Southeast Asian cuisine, contains turmeric, the yellow spice that gives curry its distinctive color. The active component in turmeric is called curcumin. If you are a fan of curry, you will be happy to know that this substance is associated with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-amyloid properties; amyloids are plaque-like proteins that build up in brain tissue, and are responsible for diseases like Alzheimer's and rheumatoid arthritis. In one randomized control study 107 patients with knee osteoarthritis received either 800 mg per day ibuprofen or 2 grams per day Curcuma domestica extract. Both groups showed improvement in pain on level walking and climbing stairs.
4. Star Anise aids digestion
As the name suggests, star anise is indeed star-shaped. Though it is not actually related to anise, star anise shares a similar licorice flavor, due to its content of anethole. Used to bring out flavor in slow-cooked meat dishes and long-simmered soups, this spice frequently makes an appearance in Indian cuisine and is an ingredient of the traditional five-spice powder of Chinese cooking. Star anise has been used in a tea to remedy rheumatism, and the seeds are sometimes chewed after meals to aid digestion.
Special combinations of spices and herbs can bring you a powerful immune zoom; one that includes star anise in the mix is the 5 Elements of Health, which promotes a strong immune function and balances the energies of your whole body.
5. Cardamom improves energy
Found in curries, rice dishes, herbal teas, and breads, cardamom is the spice that gives chai tea its main flavor. In Asia, cardamom has long been valued medicinally for its ability to increase circulation and improve energy. Considered an aphrodisiac in the Middle East, cardamom may also improve digestion, asthma, bronchitis, halitosis, and even help improve a bad mood.
6. Clove curbs cramping
A delicious addition to cooked fruit, roasts, sweet vegetable dishes, and teas, clove has been used since ancient times in India to improve digestive function. You may chew on some to alleviate toothaches, sore throats, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.
7. Cumin boosts immunity
An excellent addition to meat curries, stews, vegetables, seafood, and sauces, cumin is thought to boost the immune system and also to improve liver function, reduce flatulence, and aid in digestion.
8. Fennel Seed soothes your intestines
Often used to spice up recipes with meat, beans, or legumes, fennel helps digestion in two ways: It stimulates the production of gastric juices and also soothes the nervous system, regulating the action of the muscles that line the intestine.
9. Ginger: Remedies aches and nausea
A perfect compliment to vegetables, marinades, and sweets, ginger is also delicious in tea. Ginger may help relieve nausea, arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps, and muscle soreness.
A word of warning: always discuss with your physician before treating conditions with spices to avoid any adverse interactions; for example, because garlic and ginger possess natural blood-thinning properties, individuals about to undergo surgery and those taking blood thinners should take extra precaution.
To maintain peak flavor, use spices within six months -- but the spice police won’t come knocking at your door if you keep them longer. They like to hang out in a cool, dark place in your pantry to preserve their oils and prevent loss of pungent flavors."

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Portugal entre os primeiros a ter uma lei que limita sal no pão

in Jornal Público, 12 de Agosto 2010, por Alexandra Campos
"Governo não apresentou proposta para reduzir sal noutros alimentos, como previa a lei. Tinha seis meses para o fazer, mas já passou um ano

Portugal é, a partir de hoje, o primeiro país do mundo ocidental a ter uma lei que impõe limites ao teor de sal no pão. Produzir e vender pão com mais de 1,4 gramas de sal (por 100 gramas de produto final ou 0,55 gramas de sódio) passa a poder ser punido com coimas até cinco mil euros, estipula a legislação que os representantes dos panificadores desvalorizam, garantindo que já está a ser cumprida na maior parte dos casos. De fora ficam só os pães com "nomes protegidos", como a broa de Avintes e o pão de Favaios.

Justifica-se a opção, inédita, de impor restrições por via legislativa? Para a comunidade científica, sim. Por um lado, porque "somos o país da Europa com as maiores taxas de ingestão de sal" - 11,9 gramas por dia, quando a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) recomenda um máximo de 5 - e, por outro, por sermos líderes "nas taxas de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e cancro do estômago", defende o médico e professor da Faculdade de Medicina do Porto Jorge Polónia - que em 2006 começou a desbravar o caminho ao medir pela primeira vez de uma forma rigorosa o consumo diário de sal numa amostra superior a quatro centenas de pessoas. Com uma equipa da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, no ano seguinte avaliou o teor de sal em 40 tipos de pão. A conclusão não foi animadora: o pão normal (não integral) tinha entre 19 a 21 gramas de sal por cada quilograma, quase o dobro do encontrado nos pães britânicos e suíços analisados (13 gramas).

A lei é de tal forma "pioneira" que os norte-americanos estão agora a debater a possibilidade de introduzir limites do teor de sal por via legislativa, justifica Jorge Polónia. "Estamos a servir de exemplo", orgulha-se Luís Martins, cardiologista e ex-presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Hipertensão, que colaborou nestes estudos.

Dirigentes de associações de panificadores contrapõem que o diploma da Assembleia da República "não faz sentido", até porque grande parte das padarias já produzem pão com teores de sal inferiores ao máximo previsto nesta lei. "Fomos reduzindo progressivamente, antes mesmo de se falar em legislação", afirma Carlos Alberto Santos, da Associação do Comércio e da Indústria de Panificação, Pastelaria e Similares (ACIP). "O nosso pão tem em média apenas 10 a 11 gramas de sal (por quilograma)", assegura o industrial, lamentando que os deputados não se tenham "preocupado em verificar no terreno" os valores "reais".

Jorge Polónia e Luís Martins acham "óptimo" que assim seja, e aproveitam para aplaudir o "evidente impacto" do anúncio da lei, mas continuam com dúvidas, até porque em 2009 repetiram as análises a algumas amostras de pão e a média obtida era ainda superior a 15 gramas.

Lei é "um alerta"
Pedro Graça, coordenador da Plataforma contra a Obesidade, da Direcção-Geral da Saúde, acredita que actualmente os produtores já estarão a seguir os valores recomendados. Mas só quando a lei começar a ser fiscalizada - e essa competência está nas mãos da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica (ASAE) - é que se poderá perceber com rigor se o cumprimento é a regra.

Os planos da ASAE são simples: primeiro, será feita uma incursão no terreno para se ter uma ideia da situação, colhendo amostras sobretudo nos grandes produtores. "Se os resultados forem maus, insistimos na fiscalização; se não, faremos um controlo aleatório", concretiza João Ribeiro, da ASAE.

São os próprios autores da lei que admitem que o objectivo era ir mais longe. A ideia era começar pelo pão e avançar de seguida para outros alimentos. Aliás, a lei é taxativa a este propósito: especifica claramente que "o Governo apresenta à Assembleia da República um programa de intervenção destinado à redução do teor de sal noutros alimentos" no prazo de seis meses. O prazo mais do que expirou e não foi apresentada qualquer proposta, entretanto. Caricaturando, o Governo desde há meio ano que não cumpre a lei.

"Este diploma é uma gota no oceano. Há muito a fazer para normalizar os teores de sal nos alimentos", admite Joaquim Couto, ex-deputado socialista e médico, um dos autores do projecto de lei, que é o primeiro a conceder que não se avançou mais "por uma questão de protecção dos nossos produtores e comércio".

"A lei é positiva por ser um alerta, mas não chega. Não se pode ficar por aqui", corrobora a presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Nutricionistas, Alexandra Bento, que lembra que "medidas avulsas em saúde pública não surtem efeito".

Outros países têm conseguido resultados importantes com recomendações e campanhas, como a Inglaterra e a Finlândia. Os britânicos "conseguiram, em dez anos, reduzir a ingestão diária de sal de 9,5 para 8,6 gramas e com isso obtiveram um resultado estimado de menos seis mil mortes por ano", descreve Jorge Polónia. Não se poderia fazer o mesmo em Portugal? O problema é que para campanhas preventivas não há dinheiro do Estado, lamenta. "Temos um Ministério da Doença, não da Saúde.""


Mozzarella and Red Pepper Salad

" Ingredients (Serves 4)• 4 large red peppers
• 1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
• a few fresh basil leaves
• salt and freshly ground pepper
• a few tomatoes, halved
• 2 fresh buffalo mozzarella
• a few capers (optional)
• bread and mixed salad leaves or baby spinach, to serve For the salad dressing
• 2 anchovy fillets
• 1 small garlic clove, crushed
• a pinch of crushed chillies or hot cayenne pepper
• a good squeeze of lemon juice
• 150ml olive oil
• freshly ground black pepper


1) Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/ 180°C/350°F.
2) Place the peppers on a baking sheet and roast for about 45 minutes, until soft and slightly charred.
3) Put in a bowl, cover with cling film and, when cool, peel off the skins, reserving any juices.
4) Remove and discard the seeds and core, then tear the peppers into strips, place them in a large bowl and pour over any reserved juices.
5) Mix in the sliced garlic, basil and seasoning, then leave at room temperature for at least an hour or overnight, if possible, to marinate.
6) To make the dressing, mash the anchovy fillets with the garlic and chillies or cayenne, then whisk in the lemon juice, olive oil and black pepper, to taste.
7) To serve, put the peppers and tomatoes on a large platter or four dinner plates. Tear the mozzarella into rough pieces, then sprinkle the salad with capers, if using, and the dressing. Add a few leaves, if you like, and serve with crusty bread.
Words by Janet Smith. Photograph by James Murphy, Sunday 30 April 2006"

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The Big Mushroom Salad

Mushroom Salad

"Ingredients (Serves 4)
• 1kg mixed mushrooms (Judas' ear, puffball, honey fungus, agarics, oysters, horn of plenty, etc), cleaned weight
• 1.5l water
• 55g salt
• 500ml white wine vinegar
• 8tbsp olive oil
• 2 garlic cloves, sliced
• 2 slices fresh red chilli
• 1tbsp each finely chopped parsley and coriander
• 1 lemon • salt and pepper to taste

1) Any kind of mushrooms can go into this salad so be inventive.
2) Clean them as appropriate, and cut to roughly the same size.
3) Bring the water to the boil and add the salt and the vinegar.
4) Add the mushrooms and cook for 10 minutes. Drain well and cool.
5) In a pan, heat the oil, and fry the garlic and chilli to soften.
6) Add the mushrooms, heat through, and taste for seasonings.
7) Stir in the herbs and serve immediately, sprinkled with lemon juice.
Words by Antonio Carlucccio, Thursday 26 October 2006"

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Roasted Carrot, Spinach and Feta Salad

"Packed with the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene, carrots make a great snack. 

Try this roasted carrot, spinach and feta for a delicious, yet healthy lunch. And the best bit? It counts as two of your 5-a-day, contains over a third of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, and comes in at just 280 calories. Serves 4.

450g/1lb carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
1 red onion, cut into wedges
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into wedges
60ml/4tbsp olive oil
2 whole cloves garlic
45ml/3tbsp pumpkin seeds
5ml/1tsp cumin seeds
juice half a lemon
1 tsp runny honey
1 (100g) bag baby spinach leaves
100g/4oz feta cheese crumbled
30ml/2tbsp chopped fresh mint leaves
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/Gas Mark 7. Place the carrots, onion, pepper and half the oil in a large roasting tin. Season well. Toss together until everything is coated in oil. Roast for 15 mins. Stir in the seeds and garlic and roast for a further 10 mins until the carrots are just tender but still have a bit of bite.
2. Remove the vegetables from the oven and remove the garlic cloves. On a chopping board, slip the garlic from the papery skin and using the blade of a knife work it to a smooth paste. Put the garlic paste in a small bowl with the remaining oil, lemon juice and honey and whisk together with a fork. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
3. Empty the spinach leaves into a large serving bowl, then add the roasted vegetables, feta cheese, chopped mint and pour over the dressing. Toss lightly together until mixed."

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5 a day - the easy way

Kellie Collins

"We all know by now that we should be eating more fruit and vegetables. From newspapers and magazines, leaflets in supermarkets and even labels on the food we buy, we are constantly encouraged to eat more of the green stuff. And that’s no bad thing.

Fruit and vegetables are power-houses of nutrition. Packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and all kinds of phyto-nutrients, fibre and water, diets rich in fruit and veg are associated with better health – lower heart attack risk, lower risks of some cancers, decreased obesity, better eye-sight, healthier looking skin – you name it, fruit and veg have a role in it.

But just how many portions of fruit and veg should we be aiming for every day…and what is a portion? If you’ve been getting through 2 cartons of juice and 3 tins of beans every day to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, well done for trying. But a closer look at the Department of Health’s recommendations will help you take a step in the right direction.

The Department of Health recently launched new guidelines on what exactly counts as a portion of fruit and vegetables, after a National Diet and Nutrition Survey revealed that only one in seven adults eat the recommended quantity of greens on a regular basis. Part of the problem is that, while a lot of people are aware of the need to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day, there seems to be a bit of confusion over what exactly constitutes a portion.

The 5 a day campaign was initially launched to encourage people to eat more fruit and vegetables as the evidence shows that eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day could help prevent up to 20% of deaths from conditions such as heart disease and cancer. That’s a lot of lives saved just by eating more of something.

However, some food manufacturers jumped on the 5 a day bandwagon and began to promote their products as being as healthy and nutritious as fresh fruit or vegetables. Take baked beans, for example.

Beans do count as a vegetable portion and the tomato sauce they come in can also go some way to meeting your 5 a day. In fact, cooked tomatoes provide even more of the anti-oxidant lycopene than fresh tomatoes. But when those beans and cooked tomatoes are accompanied by salt, sugar, fat, Tele-Tubbie shaped pasta and even mini-sausages, the health message begins to get pushed a little to one side.

The Department of Health now insist that companies who make claims like this will have to review their recipes to ensure their processed foods are not high in fat, sugar or salt, if they want to be included in the 5 a day campaign.

So, what exactly counts as a portion of fruit and veg?
Well, the list below should help you out on that one. But to confuse matters, there are some foods that can only count once. Whether you drink a glass of fruit juice or a whole carton of fruit juice, it can only count as one fruit and veg portion per day. Sorry folks, but when fruit and veg are juiced, they lose their fibre so this guideline is in place to ensure we all get enough fibre to keep our bowels happy. If you smoothie your fruit, on the other hand (blend up whole fruit with milk, yoghurt and other yummy things like honey), each fruit portion that goes into your blender counts.

Beans (small, round beans like baked beans, not long thin green ones) and pulses can only count once because they are higher in protein and calories and lower in water than other vegetables. And 100% concentrated puree, such as tomato puree, can also only count as one portion, no matter how much you eat of the stuff.

And to set the record straight, frozen is just as good (sometimes better) than fresh, and tinned veggies are certainly better than none if that’s all you have access to.

Have a look at what constitutes a portion and get yourself down to the greengrocers pronto.

Fruit - aim for at least 2 servings a day.
½ avocado or grapefruit
1 medium apple, banana, orange, fresh peach, large slice of fresh pineapple, tablespoon of raisins, handful of grapes, handful of banana chips (a handful is how much will comfortably fit in the palm of your hand)
2 inch slice of melon, small mandarin-type oranges, rings of canned pineapple, plums, apricots, kiwi fruit, handfuls of raspberries
3 dates
7 slices of canned peach, strawberries
14 cherries

Vegetables - aim for at least 3 servings a day - but the more the merrier
½ pepper
1 cereal bowl of lettuce, medium onion, medium tomato, large parsnip
2 inches of cucumber, spears of broccoli, heaped tablespoons of cooked spinach
3 sticks of celery, heaped tablespoons of sweetcorn, lentils or beans (only once a day), mixed frozen vegetables, peas or carrots
5 spears of asparagus
7 slices of beetroot, cherry tomatoes
8 cauliflower florets, Brussels sprouts

As with everything else, variety is the spice of life. Although not specified in the government guidelines, we would recommend that waist watchers don’t rely on avocado, banana chips and raisins for their 5 a day. Avocado is a relatively high-fat food (okay, it’s good fat, but it’s still fat), banana chips are all too often fried and dried fruit can be coated in oil to keep them shiny and as good as new.

So fill up your plate with greens (and reds, oranges, yellows and purples) and get on target for better health."

Fonte e imagem:


"People & Power looks at the work of Carlo Petrini, an Italian journalist and food activist, whose organisation, Slow Food, is considered the culinary wing of the anti-globalisation movement."

Gordura de obesos tem níveis elevados de poluentes

in Jornal Público, 26 de Julho, 2010
Por Andrea Cunha Freitas

"Uma equipa de investigação liderada pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP) detectou níveis preocupantes de poluentes, entre os quais pesticidas como o DDT, no tecido gordo de 20 pessoas com obesidade mórbida submetidas a cirurgia bariátrica (colocação de banda no estômago). Os resultados preliminares do projecto, que reunirá mais de cem amostras, apontam para valores entre os 9 e os 34 nanogramas por cada grama de gordura.

O objectivo da pesquisa é perceber até que ponto estamos expostos a estes poluentes orgânicos que persistem no ambiente e que, de acordo com outros estudos, interferem com o normal funcionamento do sistema endócrino. Sabe-se, por exemplo, que a exposição prolongada a estes poluentes - ainda que em níveis muito baixos, na ordem de um nanograma - tem sido relacionada com um maior risco de cancro da mama.

A análise a 20 amostras revelou altas concentrações de poluentes como dioxinas, dieldrina, DDT e DDE (alguns deles foram proibidos há décadas, mas acumulam-se no nosso organismo, incapaz de os eliminar). A coordenadora do trabalho, Conceição Calhau, nota que os valores se situam entre 9 e 34 nanogramas por cada grama de gordura e são similares aos encontrados em Espanha. Ainda assim, sublinha, são "valores preocupantes".

"São poluentes que se encontram na carne e derivados do leite, por exemplo", explica. Apesar de reconhecer que o projecto não tem um grupo de controlo que permita medir os níveis dessas substâncias na população com peso normal, Conceição Calhau defende que é mais provável que a relação exista com os obesos: os poluentes alojam-se nas células com gordura. "Trata-se de testar um raciocínio teórico: estamos cada vez mais expostos a poluentes e cada vez mais gordos." Resta saber se, a confirmar-se a hipótese, são os poluentes alojados no corpo que levam a um agravamento da obesidade ou se é a gordura que provoca maior retenção dessas substâncias.

A equipa pretende ainda avaliar os efeitos da exposição prolongada aos poluentes desde a fase in utero, devendo, para isso, iniciar até final do ano uma nova fase do projecto com recurso a ratos de laboratório. Pretende-se ainda analisar amostras de sangue de cordão umbilical, bem como pesquisar a presença e concentração destas substâncias no sangue."


Summer Salad

Goats cheese

"A trip to my local farmers' market supplied me with this lovely goats'-cheese log coated in crushed chillies, but plain goats' cheese works fine. For the beetroot, look for jars of baby beetroot pickled in sweet vinegar.

Ingredients (Serves 6)
• Half a bunch of young asparagus spears, cut into bite-sized pieces
• 3tbsp olive oil
• 140g chopped pancetta
• 2 garlic cloves, crushed
• 3 pickled baby beetroot, sliced
• 1 frisée lettuce
• About 200g goats' cheese, sliced or crumbled

1) Pod the beans and drop into a pan of boiling salted water.
2) Cook for one minute, then remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
3) Cook the asparagus in the same water until just tender. Drain.
4) Next, fry the pancetta in half of the oil until brown, remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
5) Add the garlic to the pan and fry until softened.
6) Return the pancetta to the pan with the beetroot and warm through.
7) To serve, divide the pancetta mixture between six plates and top with frisée, beans, asparagus and cheese.
8) Mix a few tablespoons of vinegar from the jar of beetroot to the pan with the remaining oil.
9) Season, then pour over the salads."

Words by Janet Smith. Photograph by James Murphy

Fonte e imagem:


• 425g medium egg noodles
• 1 tbsp vegetable oil
• 2 Bramley Apples; quartered, cored and sliced
• 1 red chili; chopped
• (290g) tray Chinese style stir fry vegetables
• 150g cooked large king prawns
• 1 tbsp soy sauce
• 1 tbsp sesame oil

1) Soak the noodles according to packet instructions
2) Drain and set aside.
3) Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok, add the Bramley apple slices and stir fry for 3mins or until browned.
4) Transfer to a plate.
5) Add the chili, stir fry vegetables and prawns to the pan and stir fry for 2 mins.
6) Return the apple slices and noodles to the pan, stir well.
7) Add the soy sauce and sesame oil and toss to mix. Serve in bowls."

Fonte e imagens:

Crab and chilli linguine

Crab Linguine 
Simon Brown

600-700g linguine or spaghetti
2 garlic cloves, peeled
2-3 red chillies
Bunch of fresh parsley
Good dash of olive oil
200-300g fresh white crab meat
Zest of 1 lemon and juice of 2-3 lemons
Salt and pepper
Chilli flakes (optional), Parmesan and crusty bread, to serve

1. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, add the linguine or spaghetti and cook until al dente.

2. While the pasta is cooking, finely chop the garlic, chillies (remove the seeds first) and parsley. In a sauté pan, heat the oil gently and add the garlic, chilli and half the parsley. Cook for a few minutes on a low heat to let the flavours infuse, then remove from the heat and set aside.

3. Just before you drain the pasta, place the garlic, chilli and parsley back on the heat and, once hot, add the crab, remaining parsley, lemon juice and zest, and salt and pepper. Sauté for 1-2 minutes.

4. Drain the pasta, toss with the crab mixture and place on a pre-warmed platter (linguine cools quickly).

5. Scatter over chilli flakes, if you like, sprinkle with Parmesan and serve with crusty bread.
Words by Edith Bowman"

Fonte e imagem:

Top 10 tips for staying healthy on holiday

"Holidays and travel have a tendency to throw healthy eating and exercise habits off track, but there are measures you can take to at least minimize the harm when you are taking life easy if you have decided to travel this July.

1. First things first, it’s your attitude that matters. Healthy eating is not all about lettuce and lentils, missing meals and missing out. It’s about what you eat, not what you don’t. Going on holidays determined to eat as healthily as possible is not about depriving yourself. You’re there to give yourself a well-deserved break, why put extra pressure on your body while you are there by eating badly? It’s about taking care of yourself.

2. Focus on all the hard work you have done to lose weight leading up to your holiday and vow not to undo it in the space of two weeks or so. Do not go on a crash diet the week before your holiday to make room for weight gain while you are away. You will gain it back twice as quickly.

3. On a more practical note, when on holiday, food is usually on offer more often than at home, whether from the kiosk near the beach, from the friends you are staying with, or in your hotel. You don’t have to accept food every time it is offered. Listen to your hunger signals.

4. Balance high and low calorie meals throughout the day. That mixed grill for breakfast is fine ... if you cut back at lunch or dinner.

5. Carry foods with you if you'll be traveling for long periods of time or through mealtimes. That way you will not be tempted by high fat snacks or meals at the airport or on the road-side cafes.

6. Avoid eating while driving. Take a break and sit down for your meals. It’s very easy to mindlessly munch your way through a whole bag of sweets or chocolates due to boredom.

7. Be aware when ordering meals at the restaurant and choose wisely. Avoid any of the fried or fatty foods and try not to eat a starter AND dessert. Plan ahead and order one or the other.

8. Bring fresh fruit with you to the beach as a snack. The only snacks available are often ice creams or crisps. If you leave it to chance you might find yourself filling up on fatty treats mid-afternoon.

9. Use your holiday as an opportunity for extra exercise. You have the whole day to enjoy yourself so taking an hour or two to walk the beach shouldn’t be seen as a chore but a way to add to your enjoyment. Walking in soft sand can be a great work-out. Why not take the plunge and get involved in some of the water sports available at many resorts – water skiing, wind sailing, canoeing etc.

10. What you drink is just as important as what you eat when it comes to watching your weight in holidays. Water is the best option for staying well hydrated during the day, and stick to diet drinks if you want to have a soft drink. A can of fizzy drink will add around 130 needless calories to your daily intake. It’s also a good idea to limit your alcohol intake by alternating between water and your drink of choice through out the evening.

Remember, a holiday won't ruin a healthy lifestyle if you give some thought to the foods you choose BEFORE eating them and make an effort to get active every day. When the holiday is over, you can face the scales knowing you have not done too much damage and get right back on track, refreshed and ready to start again.

Bon Voyage."


Let's Move: Ask the First Lady

"Ask the First Lady
The First Lady answers your questions in a live video chat on Submit your questions on the Let's Move! initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids and tune in to the live chat at 10:00 AM EDT on Tuesday, July 13th."


Gratin végétarien de coquillettes

Gratin végétarien de coquillettes

Nombre de personnes : 4 Temps de préparation : 20 mn Temps de cuisson : 35 mn Degré de difficulté : Facile

Ingrédients :
250 g de coquillettes, 6 carottes, 1 fragment de gingembre, 1 c. à c. de coriandre en grains, 4 branches de coriandre, 3 courgettes, 2 c. à s. d'huile d'olive, 1 gousse d'ail, 1 branche de menthe, 30 cl de crème fraîche épaisse, 2 jaunes d'œufs, 100 g de gruyère râpé, noix muscade, sel, poivre.

Découvrez cette recette en vidéo en cliquant ici!
Etapes :
Pelez puis émincez les carottes. Couvrez-les d'eau, ajoutez les grains de coriandre. Laissez cuire 20 min. Egouttez-les, placez-les dans un mixeur, râpez du gingembre dessus et parsemez de feuilles de coriandre ciselées. Mixez, salez, poivrez.
Taillez les courgettes en cubes. Dans l'huile chaude, faites-les revenir rapidement. Ajoutez l'ail, écrasé au presse-ail, et la menthe ciselée. Salez, poivrez.
Chauffez la crème et faites-y fondre le gruyère. Laissez tiédir hors du feu avant d'incorporer les jaunes d'œufs.
Faites cuire les coquillettes à l'eau bouillante salée selon les indications du paquet. Egouttez-les et mélangez-les avec la crème.
Râpez de la noix muscade, vérifiez l'assaisonnement.
Dans un plat à gratin, alternez couches de coquillettes, de courgettes et de carottes. Terminez par des coquillettes. Placez sous le gril du four jusqu'à coloration."


Clafoutis de courgettes et feta, cumin, menthe

out      Nombre de personnes : 4 Temps de préparation : 25 minutes Temps de cuisson : 20 minutes Degré de difficulté : Facile
Ingrédients : 
2 branches de menthe, 2 gousses d'ail, 5 courgettes, 400 g de feta, 2 c. à c. de cumin en grains, 30 cl de lait entier, 3 œufs, 4 jaunes d'œufs, sel, poivre. 
Découvrez cette recette en vidéo en cliquant ici  
Etapes :
Préchauffez le four à 180 °C. Effeuillez et hachez la menthe. Pelez et émincez l'ail.
Otez les extrémités des courgettes puis taillez-les en rondelles.
Coupez la feta en fins rectangles.
Fouettez 1 min le lait, les œufs et les jaunes d'œufs. Salez (pas trop, parce que la feta est déjà assez salée) et poivrez.
Répartissez dans 4 ramequins individuels la menthe et l'ail. Dessus, disposez les rondelles de courgette debout, en suivant le bord du plat. Toutes les deux rondelles, intercalez une lamelle de feta. Remplissez le centre de courgette et de feta.
Répartissez le cumin et la préparation de lait et d'œufs dans les 4 ramequins. Enfournez pour 20 min environ."

Bean & 'Bello Burger

"Serves 4


  • 4 tablespoons canola oil
  • 2 medium portobellos, diced
  • 1/2 red onion, diced
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, cored, seeded and diced
  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon honey mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 6 tablespoons dried breadcrumbs
  • 4 whole-wheat buns
  • 1/2 cup barbecue sauce
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 4 tomato slices


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook mushrooms, onion and bell pepper, stirring occasionally, until pepper begins to soften, 4 to 5 minutes. Add beans, paprika, garlic powder and black pepper. Cook, smashing beans with the back of a spoon, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer mixture to a bowl and mix in eggs, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and breadcrumbs. Form into 4 patties. Wipe out skillet; heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat and cook burgers until brown and firm, 6 to 7 minutes per side. Place on buns; top each with 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce, a lettuce leaf and a tomato slice."

Tofu Stir-fry

"Serves 4
  • 1 teaspoon package (14 oz) extra-firm tofu
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1 small red bell pepper, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
  • 1 small green bell pepper, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
  • 6 green onions, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
  • 1 package (8 oz) whole-wheat lo mein noodles
  • 6 tablespoons white miso paste
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 piece ginger (1 inch), minced
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange zest
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1 can (15 oz) baby corn, drained and rinsed
  • 1 can (8 oz) water chestnuts, drained and rinsed
  1. Place tofu in a colander; set a heavy pot on top 10 to 15 minutes to press out moisture. Halve; sprinkle soy sauce, garlic powder, then flour over halves. Heat 1 tbsp oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Cook tofu until golden, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Slice; set aside. In same skillet, cook peppers and onions, covered, until peppers soften, 7 to 8 minutes. Cook noodles as directed on package. Whisk miso paste, garlic, ginger, zest, juice and remaining 1 tbsp oil in a bowl. Add pepper mixture, noodles, corn and water chestnuts; toss. Top with tofu."

Best Foods For Your Buck

Os ovos deverão ser "Ovos Omega-3", encontrados em muitos supermercados, incluindo o Minipreço/Dia. Ovos de galinhas criadas ao ar livre, ou ovos biológicos, também possuem um índice de Omega-3/Omega-6 equilibrado.
Todos os alimentos abaixo indicados são escolhas saudáveis, para a nossa alimentação e para o ambiente.

"Plan your menus around healthy, nutrient-packed staples that won’t give you sticker shock at the checkout.
Make the most of your grocery budget by stocking up on these versatile natural foods that are good for your health and wallet.

Peanut butter

Why it's a 10 best:This popular pantry item offers protein and heart-healthy unsaturated fats.
 Use it it: Snacks, sandwiches, sauces, and baking goods.


Why they're a 10 best: Eggs are a good source of lean protein, and also contain vitamin B12, riboflavin and phosphorus.Use them in: Omelets, frittatas and salads


Why they're a 20 best: This grain helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Use them in:  Baked goods, breakfast and to stretch ground-meat dishes


Why they're a 10 best: This fruit is a good source of vitamin C and is full of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Use them in: Salads and baked goods; as a snack


Why it's a 10 best: This leafy green is loaded with vitamins (A, C, K and folic acid) and manganese.
Use it in: Salads, pasta dishes, casseroles, soups and stews


Why they're a 10 best: This tasty staple provides lean protein that’s full of fiber, calcium, folic acid and iron and other minerals.
Use them in: Salad and stews

Frozen vegetables

Why they're a 10 best: They provide fiber and an array of nutrients, depending on which veggies you buy.
Use them in: Sides and casseroles

Sweet potatoes

Why they're a 10 best: These spuds are very filling (because they contain fiber) and a source of vitamins A and B6.
Use them in: Main and side dishes

Brown rice

Why it's a 10 best: Brown rice is a whole grain and a source of vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese.
Use it in: Soups, salads and side dishes "


Tune in to your weight regulator

Julia Griggs Havey

"Appe… what? That is exactly what I thought when I heard the word “appestat” for the first time.

Let me explain. In our homes, we have a thermostat to control temperature. In our body, we have an appestat to control hunger. What I would like to know is why I didn’t know about this sooner, and most importantly, where the heck the knob is to turn mine down.

When researching to find more about this nifty little bodily function, I came across the following information in Handbook for Healing (Whitaker House) by Charles & Frances Hunter: “The appestat is the appetite control centre in the hypothalamus gland in the brain. Compare it to the thermostat in your house. When the air cools off, the boiler comes on until the temperature cuts off the thermostat. That's the way the appestat works, except that our junk food and high-sugar diet has ‘broken’ the appestat. You need to repair it by re-adjusting the set-point.” Okay, sounds good to me. Tell me more.

“One of the most important behaviours which helps individuals control their weight is learning to eat in response to physical hunger. Everyone has an appestat, which is a term used to describe all of the body chemicals that work together to signal feelings of hunger and fullness. Your appestat allows you to eat in response to hunger - in response to your body needs.”

According to my research, these factors can influence how well your appestat works - or not.

Under- or over-eating If you starve yourself for a while, you can lose your appetite altogether. If you are used to overeating, you may never feel hunger. In either case, your appestat may not work properly.

Learning to ignore it In some families, kids are taught to eat even if they aren’t hungry or to finish their meals even if they are full. They are taught to eat past the point of being satisfied. This throws the appestat off-kilter.

Inactivity If you aren’t active, your appestat may not work well. In fact, you may feel hungrier than someone who exercises. The solution is to get active for at least one hour per day.

Eating high calorie foods When you eat foods that have a lot of energy per bite (energy dense foods), you can pile in a lot more food (calories) than your body needs before your appestat has a chance to tell you to stop. The solution is to eat light foods that don’t have lots of calories per bite. High fibre, low cals foods such as fruit and vegetables are the perfect choice.

Eating too fast If you eat very fast, your appestat won’t have the time to register what you have eaten (even if you eat all the light foods). The solution is to slow your eating down and savour each bite:
• Put your fork down after every bite
• Sip water between bites
• Take a mid meal break, stop eating for 5 minutes and chat
• Savour each bite, noticing the taste texture and flavour
• Take small bites and chew them thoroughly

Thinking about food Constantly thinking about food causes chemical changes in your body so you actually feel hungry. That is one reason why dieting makes many people feel hungry - it fills their minds with thoughts of eating. The solution is to get busy so food cannot sit on your brain and make you feel hungry.

Feelings override it Some people lose their appetite when they are depressed or anxious. For others, emotions make their appetites bigger. The solution is to find other ways to cope with stress or emotions instead of turning to food.

Once a person’s appestat is working well, they should begin listening and trusting their feelings of hunger and fullness. Here are some suggestions for improving one’s appestat. When you are eating:
• Relax and enjoy the meal
• Give yourself permission to enjoy all types of foods
• Eat when you are physically hungry and try to minimise your eating from emotional and other factors
• Choose a variety of delicious foods to satisfy your physical hunger. Gradually learn to stop eating when you are satisfied
• Try to eat slowly, chew food thoroughly and drink water between bites
• Spread your calories over the day, eat small amounts of food more often
• Do not do anything else while eating, such as watching TV."


Let's Move: A Campanha da Primeira Dama Michelle Obama

America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids
"Let’s Move! has an ambitious but important goal: to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation.
Let’s Move will give parents the support they need, provide healthier food in schools, help our kids to be more physically active, and make healthy, affordable food available in every part of our country.
Join First Lady Michelle Obama, community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, moms and dads in a nationwide campaign to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity. Learn more, read the action plan, and join us in solving the problem within a generation."


Graham Hill: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian

"We all know the arguments that being vegetarian is better for the environment and for the animals -- but in a carnivorous culture, it can be hard to make the change. Graham Hill has a powerful, pragmatic suggestion: Be a weekday veg."
