"People & Power looks at the work of Carlo Petrini, an Italian journalist and food activist, whose organisation, Slow Food, is considered the culinary wing of the anti-globalisation movement."

Gordura de obesos tem níveis elevados de poluentes

in Jornal Público, 26 de Julho, 2010
Por Andrea Cunha Freitas

"Uma equipa de investigação liderada pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP) detectou níveis preocupantes de poluentes, entre os quais pesticidas como o DDT, no tecido gordo de 20 pessoas com obesidade mórbida submetidas a cirurgia bariátrica (colocação de banda no estômago). Os resultados preliminares do projecto, que reunirá mais de cem amostras, apontam para valores entre os 9 e os 34 nanogramas por cada grama de gordura.

O objectivo da pesquisa é perceber até que ponto estamos expostos a estes poluentes orgânicos que persistem no ambiente e que, de acordo com outros estudos, interferem com o normal funcionamento do sistema endócrino. Sabe-se, por exemplo, que a exposição prolongada a estes poluentes - ainda que em níveis muito baixos, na ordem de um nanograma - tem sido relacionada com um maior risco de cancro da mama.

A análise a 20 amostras revelou altas concentrações de poluentes como dioxinas, dieldrina, DDT e DDE (alguns deles foram proibidos há décadas, mas acumulam-se no nosso organismo, incapaz de os eliminar). A coordenadora do trabalho, Conceição Calhau, nota que os valores se situam entre 9 e 34 nanogramas por cada grama de gordura e são similares aos encontrados em Espanha. Ainda assim, sublinha, são "valores preocupantes".

"São poluentes que se encontram na carne e derivados do leite, por exemplo", explica. Apesar de reconhecer que o projecto não tem um grupo de controlo que permita medir os níveis dessas substâncias na população com peso normal, Conceição Calhau defende que é mais provável que a relação exista com os obesos: os poluentes alojam-se nas células com gordura. "Trata-se de testar um raciocínio teórico: estamos cada vez mais expostos a poluentes e cada vez mais gordos." Resta saber se, a confirmar-se a hipótese, são os poluentes alojados no corpo que levam a um agravamento da obesidade ou se é a gordura que provoca maior retenção dessas substâncias.

A equipa pretende ainda avaliar os efeitos da exposição prolongada aos poluentes desde a fase in utero, devendo, para isso, iniciar até final do ano uma nova fase do projecto com recurso a ratos de laboratório. Pretende-se ainda analisar amostras de sangue de cordão umbilical, bem como pesquisar a presença e concentração destas substâncias no sangue."


Summer Salad

Goats cheese

"A trip to my local farmers' market supplied me with this lovely goats'-cheese log coated in crushed chillies, but plain goats' cheese works fine. For the beetroot, look for jars of baby beetroot pickled in sweet vinegar.

Ingredients (Serves 6)
• Half a bunch of young asparagus spears, cut into bite-sized pieces
• 3tbsp olive oil
• 140g chopped pancetta
• 2 garlic cloves, crushed
• 3 pickled baby beetroot, sliced
• 1 frisée lettuce
• About 200g goats' cheese, sliced or crumbled

1) Pod the beans and drop into a pan of boiling salted water.
2) Cook for one minute, then remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
3) Cook the asparagus in the same water until just tender. Drain.
4) Next, fry the pancetta in half of the oil until brown, remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
5) Add the garlic to the pan and fry until softened.
6) Return the pancetta to the pan with the beetroot and warm through.
7) To serve, divide the pancetta mixture between six plates and top with frisée, beans, asparagus and cheese.
8) Mix a few tablespoons of vinegar from the jar of beetroot to the pan with the remaining oil.
9) Season, then pour over the salads."

Words by Janet Smith. Photograph by James Murphy

Fonte e imagem:


• 425g medium egg noodles
• 1 tbsp vegetable oil
• 2 Bramley Apples; quartered, cored and sliced
• 1 red chili; chopped
• (290g) tray Chinese style stir fry vegetables
• 150g cooked large king prawns
• 1 tbsp soy sauce
• 1 tbsp sesame oil

1) Soak the noodles according to packet instructions
2) Drain and set aside.
3) Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok, add the Bramley apple slices and stir fry for 3mins or until browned.
4) Transfer to a plate.
5) Add the chili, stir fry vegetables and prawns to the pan and stir fry for 2 mins.
6) Return the apple slices and noodles to the pan, stir well.
7) Add the soy sauce and sesame oil and toss to mix. Serve in bowls."

Fonte e imagens:

Crab and chilli linguine

Crab Linguine 
Simon Brown

600-700g linguine or spaghetti
2 garlic cloves, peeled
2-3 red chillies
Bunch of fresh parsley
Good dash of olive oil
200-300g fresh white crab meat
Zest of 1 lemon and juice of 2-3 lemons
Salt and pepper
Chilli flakes (optional), Parmesan and crusty bread, to serve

1. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, add the linguine or spaghetti and cook until al dente.

2. While the pasta is cooking, finely chop the garlic, chillies (remove the seeds first) and parsley. In a sauté pan, heat the oil gently and add the garlic, chilli and half the parsley. Cook for a few minutes on a low heat to let the flavours infuse, then remove from the heat and set aside.

3. Just before you drain the pasta, place the garlic, chilli and parsley back on the heat and, once hot, add the crab, remaining parsley, lemon juice and zest, and salt and pepper. Sauté for 1-2 minutes.

4. Drain the pasta, toss with the crab mixture and place on a pre-warmed platter (linguine cools quickly).

5. Scatter over chilli flakes, if you like, sprinkle with Parmesan and serve with crusty bread.
Words by Edith Bowman"

Fonte e imagem:

Top 10 tips for staying healthy on holiday

"Holidays and travel have a tendency to throw healthy eating and exercise habits off track, but there are measures you can take to at least minimize the harm when you are taking life easy if you have decided to travel this July.

1. First things first, it’s your attitude that matters. Healthy eating is not all about lettuce and lentils, missing meals and missing out. It’s about what you eat, not what you don’t. Going on holidays determined to eat as healthily as possible is not about depriving yourself. You’re there to give yourself a well-deserved break, why put extra pressure on your body while you are there by eating badly? It’s about taking care of yourself.

2. Focus on all the hard work you have done to lose weight leading up to your holiday and vow not to undo it in the space of two weeks or so. Do not go on a crash diet the week before your holiday to make room for weight gain while you are away. You will gain it back twice as quickly.

3. On a more practical note, when on holiday, food is usually on offer more often than at home, whether from the kiosk near the beach, from the friends you are staying with, or in your hotel. You don’t have to accept food every time it is offered. Listen to your hunger signals.

4. Balance high and low calorie meals throughout the day. That mixed grill for breakfast is fine ... if you cut back at lunch or dinner.

5. Carry foods with you if you'll be traveling for long periods of time or through mealtimes. That way you will not be tempted by high fat snacks or meals at the airport or on the road-side cafes.

6. Avoid eating while driving. Take a break and sit down for your meals. It’s very easy to mindlessly munch your way through a whole bag of sweets or chocolates due to boredom.

7. Be aware when ordering meals at the restaurant and choose wisely. Avoid any of the fried or fatty foods and try not to eat a starter AND dessert. Plan ahead and order one or the other.

8. Bring fresh fruit with you to the beach as a snack. The only snacks available are often ice creams or crisps. If you leave it to chance you might find yourself filling up on fatty treats mid-afternoon.

9. Use your holiday as an opportunity for extra exercise. You have the whole day to enjoy yourself so taking an hour or two to walk the beach shouldn’t be seen as a chore but a way to add to your enjoyment. Walking in soft sand can be a great work-out. Why not take the plunge and get involved in some of the water sports available at many resorts – water skiing, wind sailing, canoeing etc.

10. What you drink is just as important as what you eat when it comes to watching your weight in holidays. Water is the best option for staying well hydrated during the day, and stick to diet drinks if you want to have a soft drink. A can of fizzy drink will add around 130 needless calories to your daily intake. It’s also a good idea to limit your alcohol intake by alternating between water and your drink of choice through out the evening.

Remember, a holiday won't ruin a healthy lifestyle if you give some thought to the foods you choose BEFORE eating them and make an effort to get active every day. When the holiday is over, you can face the scales knowing you have not done too much damage and get right back on track, refreshed and ready to start again.

Bon Voyage."


Let's Move: Ask the First Lady

"Ask the First Lady
The First Lady answers your questions in a live video chat on Submit your questions on the Let's Move! initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids and tune in to the live chat at 10:00 AM EDT on Tuesday, July 13th."


Gratin végétarien de coquillettes

Gratin végétarien de coquillettes

Nombre de personnes : 4 Temps de préparation : 20 mn Temps de cuisson : 35 mn Degré de difficulté : Facile

Ingrédients :
250 g de coquillettes, 6 carottes, 1 fragment de gingembre, 1 c. à c. de coriandre en grains, 4 branches de coriandre, 3 courgettes, 2 c. à s. d'huile d'olive, 1 gousse d'ail, 1 branche de menthe, 30 cl de crème fraîche épaisse, 2 jaunes d'œufs, 100 g de gruyère râpé, noix muscade, sel, poivre.

Découvrez cette recette en vidéo en cliquant ici!
Etapes :
Pelez puis émincez les carottes. Couvrez-les d'eau, ajoutez les grains de coriandre. Laissez cuire 20 min. Egouttez-les, placez-les dans un mixeur, râpez du gingembre dessus et parsemez de feuilles de coriandre ciselées. Mixez, salez, poivrez.
Taillez les courgettes en cubes. Dans l'huile chaude, faites-les revenir rapidement. Ajoutez l'ail, écrasé au presse-ail, et la menthe ciselée. Salez, poivrez.
Chauffez la crème et faites-y fondre le gruyère. Laissez tiédir hors du feu avant d'incorporer les jaunes d'œufs.
Faites cuire les coquillettes à l'eau bouillante salée selon les indications du paquet. Egouttez-les et mélangez-les avec la crème.
Râpez de la noix muscade, vérifiez l'assaisonnement.
Dans un plat à gratin, alternez couches de coquillettes, de courgettes et de carottes. Terminez par des coquillettes. Placez sous le gril du four jusqu'à coloration."


Clafoutis de courgettes et feta, cumin, menthe

out      Nombre de personnes : 4 Temps de préparation : 25 minutes Temps de cuisson : 20 minutes Degré de difficulté : Facile
Ingrédients : 
2 branches de menthe, 2 gousses d'ail, 5 courgettes, 400 g de feta, 2 c. à c. de cumin en grains, 30 cl de lait entier, 3 œufs, 4 jaunes d'œufs, sel, poivre. 
Découvrez cette recette en vidéo en cliquant ici  
Etapes :
Préchauffez le four à 180 °C. Effeuillez et hachez la menthe. Pelez et émincez l'ail.
Otez les extrémités des courgettes puis taillez-les en rondelles.
Coupez la feta en fins rectangles.
Fouettez 1 min le lait, les œufs et les jaunes d'œufs. Salez (pas trop, parce que la feta est déjà assez salée) et poivrez.
Répartissez dans 4 ramequins individuels la menthe et l'ail. Dessus, disposez les rondelles de courgette debout, en suivant le bord du plat. Toutes les deux rondelles, intercalez une lamelle de feta. Remplissez le centre de courgette et de feta.
Répartissez le cumin et la préparation de lait et d'œufs dans les 4 ramequins. Enfournez pour 20 min environ."

Bean & 'Bello Burger

"Serves 4


  • 4 tablespoons canola oil
  • 2 medium portobellos, diced
  • 1/2 red onion, diced
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, cored, seeded and diced
  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon honey mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 6 tablespoons dried breadcrumbs
  • 4 whole-wheat buns
  • 1/2 cup barbecue sauce
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 4 tomato slices


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook mushrooms, onion and bell pepper, stirring occasionally, until pepper begins to soften, 4 to 5 minutes. Add beans, paprika, garlic powder and black pepper. Cook, smashing beans with the back of a spoon, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer mixture to a bowl and mix in eggs, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and breadcrumbs. Form into 4 patties. Wipe out skillet; heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat and cook burgers until brown and firm, 6 to 7 minutes per side. Place on buns; top each with 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce, a lettuce leaf and a tomato slice."

Tofu Stir-fry

"Serves 4
  • 1 teaspoon package (14 oz) extra-firm tofu
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1 small red bell pepper, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
  • 1 small green bell pepper, cored, seeded and thinly sliced
  • 6 green onions, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
  • 1 package (8 oz) whole-wheat lo mein noodles
  • 6 tablespoons white miso paste
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 piece ginger (1 inch), minced
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange zest
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1 can (15 oz) baby corn, drained and rinsed
  • 1 can (8 oz) water chestnuts, drained and rinsed
  1. Place tofu in a colander; set a heavy pot on top 10 to 15 minutes to press out moisture. Halve; sprinkle soy sauce, garlic powder, then flour over halves. Heat 1 tbsp oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Cook tofu until golden, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Slice; set aside. In same skillet, cook peppers and onions, covered, until peppers soften, 7 to 8 minutes. Cook noodles as directed on package. Whisk miso paste, garlic, ginger, zest, juice and remaining 1 tbsp oil in a bowl. Add pepper mixture, noodles, corn and water chestnuts; toss. Top with tofu."

Best Foods For Your Buck

Os ovos deverão ser "Ovos Omega-3", encontrados em muitos supermercados, incluindo o Minipreço/Dia. Ovos de galinhas criadas ao ar livre, ou ovos biológicos, também possuem um índice de Omega-3/Omega-6 equilibrado.
Todos os alimentos abaixo indicados são escolhas saudáveis, para a nossa alimentação e para o ambiente.

"Plan your menus around healthy, nutrient-packed staples that won’t give you sticker shock at the checkout.
Make the most of your grocery budget by stocking up on these versatile natural foods that are good for your health and wallet.

Peanut butter

Why it's a 10 best:This popular pantry item offers protein and heart-healthy unsaturated fats.
 Use it it: Snacks, sandwiches, sauces, and baking goods.


Why they're a 10 best: Eggs are a good source of lean protein, and also contain vitamin B12, riboflavin and phosphorus.Use them in: Omelets, frittatas and salads


Why they're a 20 best: This grain helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Use them in:  Baked goods, breakfast and to stretch ground-meat dishes


Why they're a 10 best: This fruit is a good source of vitamin C and is full of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Use them in: Salads and baked goods; as a snack


Why it's a 10 best: This leafy green is loaded with vitamins (A, C, K and folic acid) and manganese.
Use it in: Salads, pasta dishes, casseroles, soups and stews


Why they're a 10 best: This tasty staple provides lean protein that’s full of fiber, calcium, folic acid and iron and other minerals.
Use them in: Salad and stews

Frozen vegetables

Why they're a 10 best: They provide fiber and an array of nutrients, depending on which veggies you buy.
Use them in: Sides and casseroles

Sweet potatoes

Why they're a 10 best: These spuds are very filling (because they contain fiber) and a source of vitamins A and B6.
Use them in: Main and side dishes

Brown rice

Why it's a 10 best: Brown rice is a whole grain and a source of vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, zinc and manganese.
Use it in: Soups, salads and side dishes "


Tune in to your weight regulator

Julia Griggs Havey

"Appe… what? That is exactly what I thought when I heard the word “appestat” for the first time.

Let me explain. In our homes, we have a thermostat to control temperature. In our body, we have an appestat to control hunger. What I would like to know is why I didn’t know about this sooner, and most importantly, where the heck the knob is to turn mine down.

When researching to find more about this nifty little bodily function, I came across the following information in Handbook for Healing (Whitaker House) by Charles & Frances Hunter: “The appestat is the appetite control centre in the hypothalamus gland in the brain. Compare it to the thermostat in your house. When the air cools off, the boiler comes on until the temperature cuts off the thermostat. That's the way the appestat works, except that our junk food and high-sugar diet has ‘broken’ the appestat. You need to repair it by re-adjusting the set-point.” Okay, sounds good to me. Tell me more.

“One of the most important behaviours which helps individuals control their weight is learning to eat in response to physical hunger. Everyone has an appestat, which is a term used to describe all of the body chemicals that work together to signal feelings of hunger and fullness. Your appestat allows you to eat in response to hunger - in response to your body needs.”

According to my research, these factors can influence how well your appestat works - or not.

Under- or over-eating If you starve yourself for a while, you can lose your appetite altogether. If you are used to overeating, you may never feel hunger. In either case, your appestat may not work properly.

Learning to ignore it In some families, kids are taught to eat even if they aren’t hungry or to finish their meals even if they are full. They are taught to eat past the point of being satisfied. This throws the appestat off-kilter.

Inactivity If you aren’t active, your appestat may not work well. In fact, you may feel hungrier than someone who exercises. The solution is to get active for at least one hour per day.

Eating high calorie foods When you eat foods that have a lot of energy per bite (energy dense foods), you can pile in a lot more food (calories) than your body needs before your appestat has a chance to tell you to stop. The solution is to eat light foods that don’t have lots of calories per bite. High fibre, low cals foods such as fruit and vegetables are the perfect choice.

Eating too fast If you eat very fast, your appestat won’t have the time to register what you have eaten (even if you eat all the light foods). The solution is to slow your eating down and savour each bite:
• Put your fork down after every bite
• Sip water between bites
• Take a mid meal break, stop eating for 5 minutes and chat
• Savour each bite, noticing the taste texture and flavour
• Take small bites and chew them thoroughly

Thinking about food Constantly thinking about food causes chemical changes in your body so you actually feel hungry. That is one reason why dieting makes many people feel hungry - it fills their minds with thoughts of eating. The solution is to get busy so food cannot sit on your brain and make you feel hungry.

Feelings override it Some people lose their appetite when they are depressed or anxious. For others, emotions make their appetites bigger. The solution is to find other ways to cope with stress or emotions instead of turning to food.

Once a person’s appestat is working well, they should begin listening and trusting their feelings of hunger and fullness. Here are some suggestions for improving one’s appestat. When you are eating:
• Relax and enjoy the meal
• Give yourself permission to enjoy all types of foods
• Eat when you are physically hungry and try to minimise your eating from emotional and other factors
• Choose a variety of delicious foods to satisfy your physical hunger. Gradually learn to stop eating when you are satisfied
• Try to eat slowly, chew food thoroughly and drink water between bites
• Spread your calories over the day, eat small amounts of food more often
• Do not do anything else while eating, such as watching TV."


Let's Move: A Campanha da Primeira Dama Michelle Obama

America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids
"Let’s Move! has an ambitious but important goal: to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation.
Let’s Move will give parents the support they need, provide healthier food in schools, help our kids to be more physically active, and make healthy, affordable food available in every part of our country.
Join First Lady Michelle Obama, community leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, moms and dads in a nationwide campaign to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity. Learn more, read the action plan, and join us in solving the problem within a generation."
