Li esta palavra num glossário de Aikidô, o que foi bastante curioso, traduzida como "sabor belo". É a palavra que os japoneses usam após saborear algo realmente bom, o nome certo para um blog culinário! Encontrei as seguintes traduções: sabor, belo, delicioso e bom gosto. Escolha a sua...
Refeições de casa para o trabalho
De fato e lancheira na mão
Por Mauro Gonçalves
"Muitos portugueses já optam por levar diariamente o almoço para o trabalho, outros nem por isso. Existem vantagens e inconvenientes, a verdade é que o motivo "poupança" é, a cada dia que passa, um prato que ganha peso na balança. Para adeptos ou não, existem alternativas cool para contornar a "velha" marmita, ou o tupperware "quadrado".
Para Paulo Amaral, empresário de 27 anos, é, sobretudo, uma questão de poupança, mas não só. Há cerca de um ano e meio foi o primeiro na empresa a começar a trazer comida de casa. As ementas repetitivas e pouco saudáveis do restaurante cansaram-no. Ao mesmo tempo, precisou de rentabilizar a hora de almoço que via cada vez mais encolhida por voltas e mais voltas no pandemónio de Guimarães, uma pequena cidade já com o espectro de futura capital da cultura. À estreia com os tupperwares seguiu-se a tarefa de persuadir os outros e, assim, procurou incutir nos sete colegas o hábito de fazer a refeição sem terem de sair do escritório. "Ao início, encararam [a ideia] com algumas reservas, mas neste momento já todos trazem de vez em quando", conta. Diz que não é nenhum expert na cozinha, mas, pelo menos, passou a escolher o que quer comer. Entre os despojos do jantar do dia anterior e um ou outro prato pré-preparado, desde que "sem muitos molhos", Paulo já criou um hábito, por sinal, contagioso.Sugestões do chef
"A cozinha está na moda" - é o que diz o chef José Alexandre, autor do livro Pronto a Comer, um inventário de ideias para quem não sabe o que de transportável pode preparar para uma das refeições mais importantes do dia. Confessa não ter sido por acaso que o conceito "receitas para levar para o trabalho" tenha surgido numa altura "menos positiva". A ideia veio da Matéria-prima Edições e.. voilá! - o compêndio com mais de 100 receitas foi lançado a 16 de Setembro, quando já muitos recorriam à lancheira para gastar menos, mas também para "começar a melhorar a alimentação", ressalva o chef.A tarefa não ficou por mãos alheias e o chef tem sugestões para todos os gostos, rotinas e labores. Desde a sanduíche com a carne assada que sobrou do jantar à salada que, da forma mais caprichosa, exige os ingredientes mais frescos. Para quem almoça a contra-relógio ou durante deslocações, o chef recomenda uma baguete de sardinha. Para quem passa grande parte do tempo sentado a uma secretária, aconselha uma salada colorida de salmão fumado, por exemplo. Já para aqueles cuja profissão implica um esforço físico considerável, um rancho ou um bacalhau com grão são algumas soluções.
Levar ou não levar?
Gustavo Pereira é um fã declarado dos dotes culinários da esposa. A qualidade da comida foi, para o gestor de 40 anos, a motivação para no ano passado começar a levar almoço para o trabalho com alguma frequência. "Sempre que a minha mulher faz pratos mais interessantes e em maior quantidade, aproveito para levar no dia seguinte", afirma. Os pratos não são especialmente preparados com o intuito de levar para o trabalho, mas uma continuação do deleite caseiro.Na empresa onde trabalha, o hábito veio para ficar: "Aqui sempre houve quem trouxesse almoço, mas noto que, de há dois anos para cá, tem-se tornado mais comum". Por já se tratar de um cenário normal, mesmo nos dias em que a imagem precisa de estar mais cuidada, Gustavo não vê razões para deixar o almoço em casa. "Carrego uma lancheira diariamente mesmo que vá de fato e, normalmente, até são bastante infantis porque são dos meus filhos", confessa. E a "animada" lancheira acompanha-o sempre, se não com o almoço, pelo menos com um lanche.
"Há muito o preconceito de se ver o levar comida para o trabalho como sinal de pobreza.", refere o chef, que delega aos mais jovens a tarefa de contrariar esta ideia . "Têm uma mente mais aberta. Aproveitam a oportunidade para socializar. Muitas vezes começa por piada, mas depois pega e fazem disso um hábito".
Levar ou não levar almoço para o trabalho? A resposta estará algures na equação de economia (de tempo e dinheiro), pragmatismo e bem-estar. No recém-editado Pronto a Comer, o chef enaltece a importância dos alimentos frescos, que podem ser encontrados num supermercado comum, na confecção dos pratos que, para todos os efeitos, são caseiros. Além da vertente "saber o que se está a comer", existe ainda o impacto na carteira, que a partir de Janeiro de 2012 será maior com a subida do IVA na restauração para 23%. O tempo também é um ganho (países como os Estados Unidos sabem-no bem), uma vez que comer algo fast no trabalho é uma forma de não quebrar o ritmo, tornando o dia mais produtivo. Não menos verdade é que preparar uma refeição quando se chega do emprego e carregá-la no dia seguinte é tarefa com os seus inconvenientes, nomeadamente, o cansaço - e algum défice de paciência.
O facto de morar perto do trabalho faz com que João Cunha, administrador de uma empresa em Lisboa, nunca tenha ponderado realmente a hipótese de levar almoço para o trabalho, uma opção que não considera viável. Contudo, lembra-se de antigos colegas do norte da Europa "que têm muito mais esse hábito" do que os portugueses. "Quando estou em reuniões no escritório, encomendamos comida para todos. Outras vezes, almoço num restaurante próximo e aproveito a ocasião para me reunir com parceiros", afirma. A casa ali a dois passinhos, é uma alternativa cómoda, mas a que raramente recorre.
Marmitas e termos
"Meia hora basta-me para preparar a refeição para o dia seguinte. Já é automático", conta Tânia Fernandes, responsável pela comunicação e marketing numa empresa do norte do país. Sempre preparou o almoço para o marido levar para o trabalho e desde que começou a trabalhar mais longe de casa passou a arranjar um segundo farnel para si. Além disso, o novo local de trabalho tem uma cozinha com frigorífico, microondas e forno, o que, reconhece, facilita bastante as coisas. "Normalmente faço a comida na noite anterior. Não aproveito restos porque assim a comida é mais fresca e não se está a repetir o prato", afirma. A sua ementa típica privilegia saladas e carnes brancas, no fundo, prato mais leves. Já no menu do marido figuram opções mais pesadas com destaque para as batatas e o feijão para compensar o esforço físico que a profissão de canalizador exige.O chef sublinha a importância da forma como a comida é transportada até ao local de trabalho, já que muitas pessoas acordam às seis ou sete horas da manhã e só almoçam por volta da uma. Tânia Fernandes começou por usar um termo para manter a comida quente e depressa juntou-lhe os tupperwares. Mais recentemente, rendeu-se à eficiência dos recipientes em pirex.
As alternativas de transporte de refeições são várias, desde as adaptações do centenário bento ao design trendy de algumas lancheiras. Resumindo: levar o almoço para o trabalho pode ser um hábito com mais opções do que se pensaria - e menos aborrecido também.
Para quem queira aperfeiçoar o processo, a Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo de Setúbal desenvolverá um workshop dedicado ao tema "Take Away feito em Casa", onde para além de algumas boas dicas poderá preparar in loco o almoço para levar para o trabalho no dia seguinte. O workshop vai realizar-se no próximo dia 19 de Novembro, às 18h30m e a inscrição tem o custo de €15.
Mais informações no site da Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo de Setúbal."
Fonte e imagem:
Lasanha de Legumes
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Lavar e descascar todos os legumes;
Ralar cenoura, picar cebola e alho francês, cortar tiras finas de lombardo, cubinhos de courgete;
Refogar em azeite os legumes, acrescentar cogumelos e milho;
Juntar tomate e oregãos;
Temperar com sal;
Adicionar a farinha e o creme vegetal;
Juntar o leite e mexer bem para envolver tudo;
Temperar com noz moscada;
Deixar cozer;
Ferver a água e cozer a massa lasanha;
Depois de cozida arrefecer em água fria;
Colocar a massa num tabuleiro e depois o preparado dos legumes;
Depois massa e assim por camadas até encher o tabuleiro;
Colocar queijo ralado no final;
Levar a forno médio para gratinar e acabar de confeccionar.
Lavar e descascar todos os legumes;
Ralar cenoura, picar cebola e alho francês, cortar tiras finas de lombardo, cubinhos de courgete;
Refogar em azeite os legumes, acrescentar cogumelos e milho;
Juntar tomate e oregãos;
Temperar com sal;
Adicionar a farinha e o creme vegetal;
Juntar o leite e mexer bem para envolver tudo;
Temperar com noz moscada;
Deixar cozer;
Ferver a água e cozer a massa lasanha;
Depois de cozida arrefecer em água fria;
Colocar a massa num tabuleiro e depois o preparado dos legumes;
Depois massa e assim por camadas até encher o tabuleiro;
Colocar queijo ralado no final;
Levar a forno médio para gratinar e acabar de confeccionar.
Qtd | Produto | Preço Unid. | Custo* |
0,5 Kg | CENOURA | 0,30 € | 0,15 € |
0,2 Kg | CEBOLA | 0,30 € | 0,06 € |
0,15 Kg | TOMATE CUBOS | 2,00 € | 0,30 € |
0,5 Kg | COURGETE | 1,00 € | 0,50 € |
0,2 Kg | MILHO | 4,00 € | 0,80 € |
0,5 Kg | LOMBARDO | 0,60 € | 0,30 € |
0,3 Kg | COGUMELOS LAMINADOS | 2,00 € | 0,60 € |
0,015 L | AZEITE | 2,75 € | 0,04 € |
0,005 Kg | SAL GROSSO | 0,15 € | 0,00 € |
0,06 Kg | FARINHA | 0,34 € | 0,02 € |
1,2 L | LEITE MEIO GORDO | 0,44 € | 0,53 € |
0,001 Kg | NOZ MOSCADA | 30,00 € | 0,03 € |
0,75 Kg | MASSA LASANHA | 3,00 € | 2,25 € |
0,1 Kg | QUEIJO RALADO | 6,00 € | 0,60 € |
0,1 Kg | ALHO FRANCÊS | 0,80 € | 0,08 € |
0,001 Kg | OREGÃOS | 30,00 € | 0,03 € |
* Custos meramente indicativos.
0,00 € = abaixo de 0,009 €.
Fonte e imagem:
Filetes gratinados com broa, batatinhas assadas e couve salteada
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Temperar filetes com sal;
Descascar e cortar em meias luas finas a cebola, picar o alho;
Refogar ligeiramente a cebola e o alho em azeite;
Juntar louro, pimentão doce e envolver bem;
Colocar uma cama com a cebolada nos tabuleiros;
Colocar os filetes em cima da cebolada;
Ralar broa de milho e depois juntar um pouco do caldo resultante da cebolada;
Fazer uma pasta ligeira;
Colocar esta pasta da broa por cima de todos os filetes;
Levar ao forno a confeccionar os filetes e gratinar a broa;
Descascar as batatinhas e cozer em água e sal;
Lavar e desinfectar a couve lombardo;
Cortar em tiras e cozer em água e sal;
Depois de cozidas escorrer;
Aquecer azeite e alho e juntar as couves, deixar saltear um pouco.
Temperar filetes com sal;
Descascar e cortar em meias luas finas a cebola, picar o alho;
Refogar ligeiramente a cebola e o alho em azeite;
Juntar louro, pimentão doce e envolver bem;
Colocar uma cama com a cebolada nos tabuleiros;
Colocar os filetes em cima da cebolada;
Ralar broa de milho e depois juntar um pouco do caldo resultante da cebolada;
Fazer uma pasta ligeira;
Colocar esta pasta da broa por cima de todos os filetes;
Levar ao forno a confeccionar os filetes e gratinar a broa;
Descascar as batatinhas e cozer em água e sal;
Lavar e desinfectar a couve lombardo;
Cortar em tiras e cozer em água e sal;
Depois de cozidas escorrer;
Aquecer azeite e alho e juntar as couves, deixar saltear um pouco.
Qtd | Produto | Preço Unid. | Custo* |
2 Kg | FILETES DE PESCADA (congelados) | 6,00 € | 12,00 € |
0,2 Kg | CEBOLA | 0,30 € | 0,06 € |
0,01 Kg | ALHO | 2,50 € | 0,03 € |
0,001 Kg | LOURO | 11,00 € | 0,01 € |
0,005 Kg | PIMENTÃO DOCE | 9,00 € | 0,05 € |
0,1 Kg | BROA DE MILHO | 1,00 € | 0,10 € |
2,7 Kg | BATATA PEQUENA | 0,46 € | 1,24 € |
0,8 Kg | COUVE LOMBARDA | 0,60 € | 0,48 € |
0,005 Kg | SAL GROSSO | 0,15 € | 0,00 € |
0,02 L | AZEITE | 2,75 € | 0,06 € |
* Custos meramente indicativos.
0,00 € = abaixo de 0,009 €.
Fonte e imagem:
Lasanha de Bacalhau com Espinafres
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Demolhar bacalhau pelo menos 12h;
Descascar alho, cebola e cenoura;
Picar alho e pimentos, cortar meias luas de cebola
e ralar cenoura;
Refogar em azeite a cebola, alho, cenoura, pimentos, louro;
Acrescentar migas de bacalhau e envolver;
Colocar os espinafres;
Adicionar a farinha e o creme vegetal;
Juntar o leixe e mexer bem para envolver tudo;
Temperar com noz moscada e sal;
Deixar cozer;
Ferver a água e cozer a massa lasanha;
Depois de cozida arrefecer em água fria;
Colocar a massa num tabuleiro e depois o preparado
do bacalhau;
Depois massa e assim por camadas até encher o tabuleiro;
Colocar queijo ralado no final;
Levar a forno médio para gratinar e acabar de confeccionar.
Demolhar bacalhau pelo menos 12h;
Descascar alho, cebola e cenoura;
Picar alho e pimentos, cortar meias luas de cebola
e ralar cenoura;
Refogar em azeite a cebola, alho, cenoura, pimentos, louro;
Acrescentar migas de bacalhau e envolver;
Colocar os espinafres;
Adicionar a farinha e o creme vegetal;
Juntar o leixe e mexer bem para envolver tudo;
Temperar com noz moscada e sal;
Deixar cozer;
Ferver a água e cozer a massa lasanha;
Depois de cozida arrefecer em água fria;
Colocar a massa num tabuleiro e depois o preparado
do bacalhau;
Depois massa e assim por camadas até encher o tabuleiro;
Colocar queijo ralado no final;
Levar a forno médio para gratinar e acabar de confeccionar.
Qtd | Produto | Preço Unid. | Custo* |
0,75 Kg | BACALHAU MIGAS (salgadas) | 9,00 € | 6,75 € |
0,2 Kg | CEBOLA | 0,30 € | 0,06 € |
0,005 Kg | ALHO | 2,50 € | 0,01 € |
0,015 L | AZEITE | 2,75 € | 0,04 € |
0,1 Kg | PIMENTO VERDE | 1,00 € | 0,10 € |
0,001 Kg | LOURO | 11,00 € | 0,01 € |
0,75 Kg | ESPINAFRES (congelados) | 2,00 € | 1,50 € |
0,06 Kg | FARINHA | 0,34 € | 0,02 € |
1,2 L | LEITE MEIO GORDO | 0,44 € | 0,53 € |
0,001 Kg | NOZ MOSCADA | 30,00 € | 0,03 € |
0,75 Kg | MASSA LASANHA | 3,00 € | 2,25 € |
0,1 Kg | QUEIJO RALADO | 6,00 € | 0,60 € |
0,04 Kg | MARGARINA | 1,25 € | 0,05 € |
0,005 Kg | SAL GROSSO | 0,15 € | 0,00 € |
* Custos meramente indicativos.
0,00 € = abaixo de 0,009 €.
Fonte e imagem:
Lacinhos com atum
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Escorrer o atum;
Lavar e picar os pimentos;
Descascar e picar cebola e alho;
Refogar em azeite a cebola, alho, pimentos;
Acrescentar o tomate;
Juntar o atum e envolver bem;
Juntar as natas e temperar com sal e oregãos;
Ferver água e cozer os lacinhos com sal;
Envolver a massa no preparado de atum.
Escorrer o atum;
Lavar e picar os pimentos;
Descascar e picar cebola e alho;
Refogar em azeite a cebola, alho, pimentos;
Acrescentar o tomate;
Juntar o atum e envolver bem;
Juntar as natas e temperar com sal e oregãos;
Ferver água e cozer os lacinhos com sal;
Envolver a massa no preparado de atum.
Qtd | Produto | Preço Unid. | Custo* |
1,2 kg | ATUM (enlatado) | 8,00 € | 9,60 € |
0,2 Kg | CEBOLA | 0,30 € | 0,06 € |
0,15 Kg | PIMENTO VERDE | 1,00 € | 0,15 € |
0,15 Kg | PIMENTO VERMELHO | 1,00 € | 0,15 € |
0,005 Kg | ALHO | 2,50 € | 0,01 € |
0,1 Kg | TOMATE CUBOS | 2,00 € | 0,2 € |
0,002 Kg | OREGÃOS | 30,00 € | 0,06 € |
0,005 Kg | SAL GROSSO | 0,15 € | 0,00 € |
0,75 Kg | MASSA LACINHOS | 0,70 € | 0,52 € |
0,01 L | AZEITE | 2,75 € | 0,02 € |
0,2 L | NATAS | 1,80 € | 0,36 € |
Custo 11,13 €
* Custos meramente indicativos.
0,00 € = abaixo de 0,009 €.
* Custos meramente indicativos.
0,00 € = abaixo de 0,009 €.
Fonte e imagem:
Pirâmide dos Alimentos Anti-Inflamatórios
How much: Sparingly
Healthy choices: Unsweetened dried fruit, dark chocolate, fruit sorbet
Why: Dark chocolate provides polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Choose dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa and have an ounce a few times a week. Fruit sorbet is a better option than other frozen desserts.
How much: Sparingly
Healthy choices: Unsweetened dried fruit, dark chocolate, fruit sorbet
Why: Dark chocolate provides polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Choose dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa and have an ounce a few times a week. Fruit sorbet is a better option than other frozen desserts.
How much: Optional, no more than 1-2 glasses per day
Healthy choices: Organic red wine
Why: Red wine has beneficial antioxidant activity. Limit intake to no more than 1-2 servings per day. If you do not drink alcohol, do not start.
How much: Optional, no more than 1-2 glasses per day
Healthy choices: Organic red wine
Why: Red wine has beneficial antioxidant activity. Limit intake to no more than 1-2 servings per day. If you do not drink alcohol, do not start.
How much: Daily
Healthy choices: High quality multivitamin/multimineral that includes key antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, mixed carotenoids, and selenium); co-enzyme Q10; 2-3 grams of a molecularly distilled fish oil; 2,000 IU of vitamin D3
Why: Supplements help fill any gaps in your diet when you are unable to get your daily requirement of micronutrients.
Click here to learn more about supplements and get your free recommendation.
How much: Daily
Healthy choices: High quality multivitamin/multimineral that includes key antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, mixed carotenoids, and selenium); co-enzyme Q10; 2-3 grams of a molecularly distilled fish oil; 2,000 IU of vitamin D3
Why: Supplements help fill any gaps in your diet when you are unable to get your daily requirement of micronutrients.
Click here to learn more about supplements and get your free recommendation.
How much: 2-4 cups per day
Healthy choices: White, green, oolong teas
Why: Tea is rich in catechins, antioxidant compounds that reduce inflammation. Purchase high-quality tea and learn how to correctly brew it for maximum taste and health benefits.
How much: 2-4 cups per day
Healthy choices: White, green, oolong teas
Why: Tea is rich in catechins, antioxidant compounds that reduce inflammation. Purchase high-quality tea and learn how to correctly brew it for maximum taste and health benefits.
How much: Unlimited amounts
Healthy choices: Turmeric, curry powder (which contains turmeric), ginger and garlic (dried and fresh), chili peppers, basil, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme
Why: Use these herbs and spices generously to season foods. Turmeric and ginger are powerful, natural anti-inflammatory agents.
How much: Unlimited amounts
Healthy choices: Turmeric, curry powder (which contains turmeric), ginger and garlic (dried and fresh), chili peppers, basil, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme
Why: Use these herbs and spices generously to season foods. Turmeric and ginger are powerful, natural anti-inflammatory agents.
How much: 1-2 servings a week (one portion is equal to 1 ounce of cheese, 1 eight-ounce serving of dairy, 1 egg, 3 ounces cooked poultry or skinless meat)
Healthy choices: High quality natural cheese and yogurt, omega-3 enriched eggs, skinless poultry, grass-fed lean meats
Why: In general, try to reduce consumption of animal foods. If you eat chicken, choose organic, cage-free chicken and remove the skin and associated fat. Use organic, reduced-fat dairy products moderately, especially yogurt and natural cheeses such as Emmental (Swiss), Jarlsberg and true Parmesan. If you eat eggs, choose omega-3 enriched eggs (made by feeding hens a flax-meal-enriched diet), or organic eggs from free-range chickens.
How much: 1-2 servings a week (one portion is equal to 1 ounce of cheese, 1 eight-ounce serving of dairy, 1 egg, 3 ounces cooked poultry or skinless meat)
Healthy choices: High quality natural cheese and yogurt, omega-3 enriched eggs, skinless poultry, grass-fed lean meats
Why: In general, try to reduce consumption of animal foods. If you eat chicken, choose organic, cage-free chicken and remove the skin and associated fat. Use organic, reduced-fat dairy products moderately, especially yogurt and natural cheeses such as Emmental (Swiss), Jarlsberg and true Parmesan. If you eat eggs, choose omega-3 enriched eggs (made by feeding hens a flax-meal-enriched diet), or organic eggs from free-range chickens.
How much: Unlimited amounts
Healthy choices: Shiitake, enokidake, maitake, oyster mushrooms (and wild mushrooms if available)
Why: These mushrooms contain compounds that enhance immune function. Never eat mushrooms raw, and minimize consumption of common commercial button mushrooms (including crimini and portobello).
How much: Unlimited amounts
Healthy choices: Shiitake, enokidake, maitake, oyster mushrooms (and wild mushrooms if available)
Why: These mushrooms contain compounds that enhance immune function. Never eat mushrooms raw, and minimize consumption of common commercial button mushrooms (including crimini and portobello).
How much: 1-2 servings per day (one serving is equal to ½ cup tofu or tempeh, 1 cup soymilk, ½ cup cooked edamame, 1 ounce of soynuts)
Healthy choices: Tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy nuts, soymilk
Why: Soy foods contain isoflavones that have antioxidant activity and are protective against cancer. Choose whole soy foods over fractionated foods like isolated soy protein powders and imitation meats made with soy isolate.
How much: 1-2 servings per day (one serving is equal to ½ cup tofu or tempeh, 1 cup soymilk, ½ cup cooked edamame, 1 ounce of soynuts)
Healthy choices: Tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy nuts, soymilk
Why: Soy foods contain isoflavones that have antioxidant activity and are protective against cancer. Choose whole soy foods over fractionated foods like isolated soy protein powders and imitation meats made with soy isolate.
How much: 2-6 servings per week (one serving is equal to 4 ounces of fish or seafood)
Healthy choices: Wild Alaskan salmon (especially sockeye), herring, sardines, and black cod (sablefish)
Why: These fish are rich in omega-3 fats, which are strongly anti-inflammatory. If you choose not to eat fish, take a molecularly distilled fish oil supplement that provides both EPA and DHA in a dose of 2-3 grams per day.
How much: 2-6 servings per week (one serving is equal to 4 ounces of fish or seafood)
Healthy choices: Wild Alaskan salmon (especially sockeye), herring, sardines, and black cod (sablefish)
Why: These fish are rich in omega-3 fats, which are strongly anti-inflammatory. If you choose not to eat fish, take a molecularly distilled fish oil supplement that provides both EPA and DHA in a dose of 2-3 grams per day.
How much: 5-7 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 teaspoon of oil, 2 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 1 ounce of avocado)
Healthy choices: For cooking, use extra virgin olive oil and expeller-pressed organic canola oil. Other sources of healthy fats include nuts (especially walnuts), avocados, and seeds - including hemp seeds and freshly ground flaxseed. Omega-3 fats are also found in cold water fish, omega-3 enriched eggs, and whole soy foods. Organic, expeller pressed, high-oleic sunflower or safflower oils may also be used, as well as walnut and hazelnut oils in salads and dark roasted sesame oil as a flavoring for soups and stir-fries
Why: Healthy fats are those rich in either monounsaturated or omega-3 fats. Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols with antioxidant activity and canola oil contains a small fraction of omega-3 fatty acids.
How much: 5-7 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 teaspoon of oil, 2 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 1 ounce of avocado)
Healthy choices: For cooking, use extra virgin olive oil and expeller-pressed organic canola oil. Other sources of healthy fats include nuts (especially walnuts), avocados, and seeds - including hemp seeds and freshly ground flaxseed. Omega-3 fats are also found in cold water fish, omega-3 enriched eggs, and whole soy foods. Organic, expeller pressed, high-oleic sunflower or safflower oils may also be used, as well as walnut and hazelnut oils in salads and dark roasted sesame oil as a flavoring for soups and stir-fries
Why: Healthy fats are those rich in either monounsaturated or omega-3 fats. Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols with antioxidant activity and canola oil contains a small fraction of omega-3 fatty acids.
How much: 3-5 servings a day (one serving is equal to about ½ cup cooked grains)
Healthy choices: Brown rice, basmati rice, wild rice, buckwheat, groats, barley, quinoa, steel-cut oats
Why: Whole grains digest slowly, reducing frequency of spikes in blood sugar that promote inflammation. "Whole grains" means grains that are intact or in a few large pieces, not whole wheat bread or other products made from flour.
How much: 3-5 servings a day (one serving is equal to about ½ cup cooked grains)
Healthy choices: Brown rice, basmati rice, wild rice, buckwheat, groats, barley, quinoa, steel-cut oats
Why: Whole grains digest slowly, reducing frequency of spikes in blood sugar that promote inflammation. "Whole grains" means grains that are intact or in a few large pieces, not whole wheat bread or other products made from flour.
PASTA (al dente)
How much: 2-3 servings per week (one serving is equal to about ½ cup cooked pasta)
Healthy choices: Organic pasta, rice noodles, bean thread noodles, and part whole wheat and buckwheat noodles like Japanese udon and soba
Why: Pasta cooked al dente (when it has "tooth" to it) has a lower glycemic index than fully-cooked pasta. Low-glycemic-load carbohydrates should be the bulk of your carbohydrate intake to help minimize spikes in blood glucose levels.
How much: 2-3 servings per week (one serving is equal to about ½ cup cooked pasta)
Healthy choices: Organic pasta, rice noodles, bean thread noodles, and part whole wheat and buckwheat noodles like Japanese udon and soba
Why: Pasta cooked al dente (when it has "tooth" to it) has a lower glycemic index than fully-cooked pasta. Low-glycemic-load carbohydrates should be the bulk of your carbohydrate intake to help minimize spikes in blood glucose levels.
How much: 1-2 servings per day (one serving is equal to ½ cup cooked beans or legumes)
Healthy choices: Beans like Anasazi, adzuki and black, as well as chickpeas, black-eyed peas and lentils
Why: Beans are rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and soluble fiber. They are a low-glycemic-load food. Eat them well-cooked either whole or pureed into spreads like hummus.
How much: 1-2 servings per day (one serving is equal to ½ cup cooked beans or legumes)
Healthy choices: Beans like Anasazi, adzuki and black, as well as chickpeas, black-eyed peas and lentils
Why: Beans are rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and soluble fiber. They are a low-glycemic-load food. Eat them well-cooked either whole or pureed into spreads like hummus.
How much: 4-5 servings per day minimum (one serving is equal to 2 cups salad greens, ½ cup vegetables cooked, raw or juiced)
Healthy Choices: Lightly cooked dark leafy greens (spinach, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy and cauliflower), carrots, beets, onions, peas, squashes, sea vegetables and washed raw salad greens
Why: Vegetables are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, eat them both raw and cooked, and choose organic when possible.
How much: 4-5 servings per day minimum (one serving is equal to 2 cups salad greens, ½ cup vegetables cooked, raw or juiced)
Healthy Choices: Lightly cooked dark leafy greens (spinach, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy and cauliflower), carrots, beets, onions, peas, squashes, sea vegetables and washed raw salad greens
Why: Vegetables are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, eat them both raw and cooked, and choose organic when possible.
How much: 3-4 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 medium size piece of fruit, ½ cup chopped fruit, ¼ cup of dried fruit)
Healthy choices: Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, oranges, pink grapefruit, red grapes, plums, pomegranates, blackberries, cherries, apples, and pears - all lower in glycemic load than most tropical fruits
Why: Fruits are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, choose fruit that is fresh in season or frozen, and buy organic when possible.
How much: 3-4 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 medium size piece of fruit, ½ cup chopped fruit, ¼ cup of dried fruit)
Healthy choices: Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, oranges, pink grapefruit, red grapes, plums, pomegranates, blackberries, cherries, apples, and pears - all lower in glycemic load than most tropical fruits
Why: Fruits are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, choose fruit that is fresh in season or frozen, and buy organic when possible.
Additional Item:
How much: Throughout the day
Healthy choices: Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day.
Why: Water is vital for overall functioning of the body."
How much: Throughout the day
Healthy choices: Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day.
Why: Water is vital for overall functioning of the body."
Fonte e imagem:
Alimentação Económica
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Nova Roda dos Alimentos |
"Como se alimentar de forma saudável durante a crise financeira
É possível seguir algumas directrizes e continuar a comprar alimentos saudáveis, ao invés de passar, devido à crise, para uma dieta de batatas fritas, queijo e massas, ou hambúrguer e cachorro quente.
Faça o seu próprio café em casa, compre fruta e legumes da estação, e ocasionalmente, substitua a carne por fontes de proteínas alternativas, como ovos e feijão, e, mesmo que pareça uma solução fácil, barata e muito tentadora, mantenha-se afastado das cadeias de Fast-Food. A fotografia bonita não compensa a falta de nutrição.
“Os tempos de crise financeira, como a que atravessamos de momento devido ao preço do petróleo, não significa que tenhamos de nos alimentar de forma pouco saudável”, diz Aleitor Mendes, um conhecido nutricionista de São Paulo, Brasil. “Ao planear com tempo, comprar nas feiras e mercados e aproveitar os produtos de marca própria dos hipermercados podemos poupar muito dinheiro e ao mesmo tempo fornecer alimentos ricos e saudáveis para toda a família.”
Fruta e Vegetais
“Comprar alimentos frescos é demasiado caro”. Errado. De facto, comprar fruta e legumes da estação é bastante económico. Aproveite para comprar alguns alimentos em maior quantidade, poderá também poupar sobre o “desconto de quantidade”
Se não estiverem na estação, poderá adquirir fruta ou legumes enlatados a preços muito acessíveis. Aproveite e confira as marcas próprias dos hipermercados, já que a qualidade é assegurada e a preços muito inferiores. Estes alimentos são enlatados ainda muito frescos, pelo que a qualidade nutricional se mantém praticamente na íntegra.
Uma das melhores formas de conseguir vegetais e frutos frescos é cultivá-los você mesmo, caso possua um quintal ou um pequeno jardim com espaço suficiente para o fazer. Caso não tenha espaço, poderá sempre plantar ervas frescas num vaso dentro de casa.
Conseguir proteínas pode ser algo complicado com um orçamento reduzido. Filet mignon, bife do lombo ou lagosta fresca é apenas uma miragem para carteiras apertadas, mas poderá ainda encontrar boas peças de carne a preços baixos.
Em primeiro lugar, é preferível comprar peças de carne “não preparadas”. Poderá marinar ou rechear a carne você mesmo, não precisa que o talho ou loja faça isso e cobre pelo serviço. Poupa dinheiro, e poderá ter um maior controlo sobre o teor nutricional e o nível de sal dos temperos. Comprar galinha inteira com os ossos custa bastante menos, e poderá retirá-los facilmente para preparar uns saborosos peitos de galinha. As carnes menos nobres da vaca ou do porco são bastante mais baratas, contudo, apresentam muitas vezes uma rigidez ou gorduras que se podem tornar bastantes desagradáveis. Ao estufar estas carnes, o tempo de cozedura vai fazer a carne amolecer e devido ao tempo da confecção vai obter um saboroso prato.
E a carne não é a única opção. Considere substituir a carne por alternativas proteicas duas ou três vezes por semana. O feijão, ovos ou manteiga de amendoim são apenas exemplos de excelentes fontes de proteínas que ajudam a manter bons níveis de nutrição em tempos de crise.
Tal como no caso das fontes de proteínas, comprar produtos menos processados é preferível. Prefira arroz (integral) às misturas que muitas vezes são apenas engenhosos truques de marketing que nada beneficiam a sua nutrição e saúde.
Tal como no caso das fontes de proteínas, comprar produtos menos processados é preferível. Prefira arroz (integral) às misturas que muitas vezes são apenas engenhosos truques de marketing que nada beneficiam a sua nutrição e saúde.
É também uma boa ideia comprar pão, bolo-pão ou tortillas quando estão a preços mais acessíveis e congelá-los para comer mais tarde. O valor nutricional mantém-se praticamente inalterado por bastante tempo.
Uma excelente solução para poupar mais é comprar um filtro de água em vez de comprar água engarrafada. Se preferir os sumos, opte por concentrados em vez de refrigerantes.
Beba o café da manhã em casa. Acrescentar umas gotas de leite ou natas (magras) dará ao café da manhã um toque especial, e muito mais barato do que sair todas as manhãs para tomar o pequeno almoço na rua.
Os snacks (batatas fritas de pacote, tiras de milho de pacote, etc) são normalmente produtos de pobre nutrição e pouco saudáveis. Evite este tipo de produtos, mas se não conseguir viver sem eles, opte por pacotes familiares e faça você mesmo os pacotes individuais. Poupará cerca de 50%.
Dicas Gerais
- Compre produtos de marca própria do hipermercado (ou marca branca)
- Compre produtos familiares e em pacotes grandes para poupar dinheiro e faça depois em casa pacotes individuais.
- Compre produtos em saldo ou em promoção e congele para consumir mais tarde.
- Não caia nas armadilhas dos hipermercados. Junto às caixas para pagar estão colocadas várias “ilhas” de produtos como pastilhas elásticas, gomas, doces, bolos, biscoitos, entre outros, que as pessoas são tentadas a comprar enquanto esperam na fila para pagar. Concentre-se na secção dos legumes e frutas frescos.
- Use coupons de descontos. Mas apenas para aqueles produtos que já consome normalmente, e não para produtos ricos em gorduras ou açúcares.
- Cozinhe em casa e evite sair para jantar.
- Mas se decidir sair para jantar fora, não se envergonhe e caso sobre muita comida, diga ao empregado para guardar e leve para casa.
- Substitua a carne por outras fontes proteicas de custo reduzido duas a três vezes por semana."
Livros de Receitas: Filipa Vacondeus I
O Supermercado Aldi lançou um pequeno livro de receitas, com o título de "Os menus deliciosos e económicos de Filipa Vacondeus". A ligação, abaixo indicada, dá acesso aos oito menus com várias receitas. O livro pode ser guardado em versão pdf, para tal basta carregar sobre o símbolo da disquete.
Entrevista a Daniela Seabra
"A nutricionista Daniela Seabra considera que os alimentos que ingerimos têm influência sobre as capacidades cognitivas das pessoas. “Nós somos o que comemos”, defende.
Nesta entrevista conduzida pelo jornalista Ricardo Alexandre, Daniela Seabra afirma que deve escolher-se as melhores matérias-primas para o cérebro, sublinhando que é possível melhorar o desempenho cognitivo através de uma alteração da alimentação.
Daniela Seabra alerta para os efeitos do consumo excessivo de alimentos com aditivos, como corantes. Depressão, alzheimer ou hiperatividade são algumas doenças que poderão ser evitadas através da eliminação de determinados produtos da alimentação."
Nesta entrevista conduzida pelo jornalista Ricardo Alexandre, Daniela Seabra afirma que deve escolher-se as melhores matérias-primas para o cérebro, sublinhando que é possível melhorar o desempenho cognitivo através de uma alteração da alimentação.
Daniela Seabra alerta para os efeitos do consumo excessivo de alimentos com aditivos, como corantes. Depressão, alzheimer ou hiperatividade são algumas doenças que poderão ser evitadas através da eliminação de determinados produtos da alimentação."
Alimentação Ecológica
"Animal agriculture is directly or partially responsible for many of the worlds most serious environmental problems- global warming, water use and pollution, massive energy consumption, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and species, as well as the deep impact of fishing on our oceans. Reducing or eliminating the consumption of animal products is one of the most powerful ways an individual reduce his or her carbon footprint."
31 Dias de Receitas Vegetarianas
We celebrate National Vegetarian Awareness Month with these mouthwatering meatless dishes.
October is a chance to celebrate meatless eating through National Vegetarian Awareness Month, and we’re here with 31 new ways to get inspired in the kitchen.
People decide to go vegetarian for all kinds of reasons, but the folks behind World Vegetarian Day, the official kick-off event for the month, point out that vegetarian diets:
October is a chance to celebrate meatless eating through National Vegetarian Awareness Month, and we’re here with 31 new ways to get inspired in the kitchen.
People decide to go vegetarian for all kinds of reasons, but the folks behind World Vegetarian Day, the official kick-off event for the month, point out that vegetarian diets:
- Provide a viable answer to feeding the world’s hungry through more efficient use of grains and other crops
- Save animals from suffering in factory-farm conditions and from the pain and terror of slaughter
- Conserve vital but limited freshwater, fertile topsoil and other precious resources, and
- Mitigate the ever-expanding environmental pollution of animal agriculture.
D de Dióspiro
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Nelson Garrido |
in Jornal Público,
A capacidade de prever o futuro já é associada ao dióspiro desde tempos antigos quando os nativos americanos cortavam as sementes deste fruto de modo longitudinal para prever a gravidade do Inverno que se seguiria, consoante a forma de colher, garfo ou faca existente no interior da mesma.
O dióspiro tem assim um bouquet nutricional feito à medida para nos proteger da diminuição das temperaturas sentida nesta fase ao reforçar o nosso sistema imunitário.
Embora a possua em razoáveis quantidades, não é primordialmente na vitamina C que o diospiro se alicerça quanto ao fortalecimento das nossas defesas, mas sim na sua riqueza em carotenos e na sua capacidade antioxidante. De resto, ao nível dos frutos frescos, apenas a manga e o damasco possuem níveis superiores deste pigmento com uma enorme capacidade de protecção das nossas células dos danos provocados pelos radicais livres.
São estes mesmos beta-carotenos, juntamente com outros potentes compostos fenólicos (idênticos aos encontrados no chá verde e vinho tinto) que fazem do dióspiro um super-fruto no que ao seu poder antioxidante diz respeito e que apenas é superado pela romã e pela anona. Todo este potencial consegue ainda ser enriquecido quando no momento do consumo se opta pelo excelente hábito de lhe adicionar canela, outro potente antioxidante.
Nos alimentos, como em tudo na vida, não existe a perfeição e no caso do dióspiro a sua doçura e elevada palatibilidade tem justificação no seu alto teor de açúcar. Não há no entanto razões para discriminar o consumo de dióspiro por este facto, até porque, se por um lado se trata de um fruto sazonal que apenas está presente nas nossas mesas num período muito limitado de tempo, por outro, existem frutos mais “comuns” e com valores de açúcar mais elevados (como é o caso das bananas e uvas). Existem mesmo alguns estudos promissores que revelam que a pele do dióspiro, rica em antioxidantes e fibra, poderá ter um efeito benéfico no controlo glicémico de pacientes diabéticos, tal como na diminuição dos níveis de triglicerídeos e colesterol.
Em conclusão, os dióspiros têm um pouco de açúcar a mais, mas face a todas as outras vantagens que aportam, o melhor é aproveitá-los enquanto pode. Se possível com canela!
*Professor Assistente Convidado da Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto""
Fonte e imagem:
Aging gracefully: Masking the signs of aging are no secret
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Jim Pressler at age 50, left, and today. |
Margaret Webb Pressler - The Washington Post | Posted: Wednesday, August 17, 2011
"How old is the man in the photo?
Fonte e imagem:"How old is the man in the photo?
Hint No. 1: His first full-time salary as a lawyer was $12,000 a year.
Hint No. 2: He drew a low number in the Vietnam War draft lottery.
That my husband, Jim, looks good for his age has been true throughout our 20 years of marriage, but never more so than now. He is 62.
It's been a fun parlor trick. When the "Guess Your Age" guy at the West Virginia State Fair guessed he was 37, Jim had to whip out his driver's license to prove he was really 55. "Man, you look good," the carnie said.
I have always assumed that my husband benefits from especially good genes. But now that Jim is in his 60s, people aren't just shocked to learn his age, they also want to know how he does it. It has made me wonder if the real reason he's aging so well is the nutrition-exercise-supplement-skin-care-lifestyle regimen he has created for himself. Jim has been honing his routine for decades, ever since he was deferred from the draft, at the age of 22, because of high blood pressure. "I knew I could do something about it, and I didn't want to take drugs," he recalls.
If the health and fitness habits he's been developing since then are the reason he looks so young now, that would be really good to know.
I took the question -- and Jim's picture -- to experts in aging, nutrition, cell function, dermatology, genetics and vitamin research. The answer, pretty clearly, is that his efforts have in fact had a big impact on the way he looks, good genes or not.
"The older you get, the more influence you have, so that by the time you're 50, it's about 70 percent choices, about 30 percent genetics," said Michael Roizen, chair of the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. Roizen has spent years studying aging and runs a hugely popular website,, that offers health and fitness advice. Luigi Ferrucci, scientific director at the National Institute on Aging, agreed that genes are only a piece of the puzzle, and probably not the biggest.
As director of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, which has followed about 5,000 people since 1958, Ferrucci has been able to see firsthand what makes a difference in the way people age.
"You don't get the genes for being younger," he said. "You get the gene that allows you to do the right things to slow down your aging process."
So let's look at what Jim does.
1 Avoids the big no-no's: Virtually everyone I spoke with listed one or more of these factors working in my husband's favor right from the start: He doesn't smoke, doesn't have sun damage and drinks only moderately. The vigor with which these researchers voiced these opinions reminded me to scare my kids even more about smoking and drinking -- and about the importance of sunscreen.
2 Gets moderate exercise: Ferrucci calls exercise "the strongest beneficial behavior intervention that we know about." Moderate exercise makes the biggest difference, he said.
That would be Jim's style. His exercise routine is limited by a busy law practice, three young kids and a wife who also works. So he squeezes in a 20- to 30-minute aerobic workout on the bike or rowing machine three to four days a week in our basement, followed by 10 to 20 minutes of weight training.
Roizen said he laughed out loud when he read an email from me outlining my husband's exercise program: It was almost the exact same workout plan Roizen promotes as the ideal routine to retard the effects of aging.
3 Eats a healthy diet and eats moderately: Jim's weight has never fluctuated much, but in the past five to 10 years he has eliminated many unhealthful foods from his diet and reduced his portion sizes, causing him to drop 10 pounds without much effort. The trick, I think, has been making these changes gradually so the adjustment has been easy.
Despite a weakness for chocolate chip cookies, Jim now eats more whole grains, much less fat, more fish and more fruit and vegetables. He also eats virtually no red meat, which Roizen applauds.
"It could be the saturated fat; we're not sure. But something in red meat accelerates inflammation in arteries," he said. "And it turns out that inflammation in arteries ages your skin, ages your heart, ages all the things where your blood vessels go."
4 Eats a diet high in antioxidants: Jim devours dark fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, dark romaine lettuce and other dark greens. I scour the supermarket ads for BOGO deals: buy one for Jim, get one free for the rest of us.
These foods are good because they are full of antioxidants, which are thought to bind with the unstable molecules that are constantly released as a byproduct of metabolism.
Although the science is still not conclusive for humans, there is strong evidence that these free radicals, knocking around in search of other molecules to bind to, damage healthy cells in the process. This oxidative stress can lead to inflammation and other adverse effects, said Josephine Briggs, director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.
"I have become a very strong believer in a diet rich in antioxidants," Briggs said. "These things have a very strong observational correlation with health."
5 Takes Vitamin E: Jim has been taking moderate Vitamin E supplements daily for 40 years. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that, in animal testing, has been shown to prolong the life of cells and reduce cell proliferation.
Could it be helping Jim maintain his youthful looks?
"Yes, of course," said Maret Traber, one of the nation's lead researchers on Vitamin E. A professor of nutrition at Oregon State University, she is also a principal investigator at the university's Linus Pauling Institute, which investigates the role of vitamins and micronutrients in health and aging. She said Vitamin E, working alone or in concert with other vitamins, is doing more for Jim than improving his appearance.
"Your husband's insides, I think, look way better than his outsides, and you can quote me," she said. (This was backed up by my husband's annual checkup a month ago, with ideal or better-than-ideal results on every physical exam and blood test. "He's going to put me out of business with a physical like that," his longtime internist, Elliott Aleskow, told me.)
Traber's position is somewhat controversial: Several major studies in humans have shown little benefit from Vitamin E supplements and possible harm from high doses of about 800 milligrams a day. (Jim takes 200 milligrams a day.)
Demetrius Albanes of the National Cancer Institute led one of the few major studies that showed a positive influence for Vitamin E in humans. In this study of 29,000 Finnish men, all of them smokers, those with the highest levels of Vitamin E in their blood had a "significant" reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease and overall mortality after 12 to 20 years, he said. "Designing a good study is complicated," he said, adding that more research on Vitamin E is needed.
Jim does other things that various experts say affect the aging process: He moisturizes his skin daily, he flosses regularly, manages stress well, has a job he often finds rewarding, has a hobby that he enjoys (photography), has a good marriage and healthy kids. Many experts said living a happy life is a key element in aging well, and Jim, even though he works long hours, is pretty happy.
"Yeah, I'd say that's true," he told me. I was only slightly stepping on his small toe when I asked that.
But I was left with one lingering doubt about the role of genetics. Surely it's genetic that he has no gray hair, right?
"I wouldn't count on that," said Ferrucci. "There is some observation that gray hair has a lot to do with oxidative stress."
Like so much in the field of aging, this is a new area of research. It was discovered only a few years ago that the pigment in hair comes from stem cells in the hair follicle. If they stop working, usually later in life, the hair turns gray.
This is a bit perplexing, though, because stem cells have the ability to self-renew, said Mayumi Ito, an assistant professor of cell biology at NYU's Langone Medical Center and one of the few U.S. researchers in this field. No one has demonstrated what factors keep particular stem cells functioning. "I personally assume it is both a genetic process and an environmental process," she said, "as it is with so much else."
The aging process is complicated; it makes sense that if someone is aging especially well, the reasons would be just as complicated. In my husband's case, it is more than good genes; it's everything he's done on top of that, including the right kind of exercise, a beneficial diet and the many other ways he takes care of himself.
The message, at least, is simple: Making an effort can really pay off."
Hint No. 2: He drew a low number in the Vietnam War draft lottery.
That my husband, Jim, looks good for his age has been true throughout our 20 years of marriage, but never more so than now. He is 62.
It's been a fun parlor trick. When the "Guess Your Age" guy at the West Virginia State Fair guessed he was 37, Jim had to whip out his driver's license to prove he was really 55. "Man, you look good," the carnie said.
I have always assumed that my husband benefits from especially good genes. But now that Jim is in his 60s, people aren't just shocked to learn his age, they also want to know how he does it. It has made me wonder if the real reason he's aging so well is the nutrition-exercise-supplement-skin-care-lifestyle regimen he has created for himself. Jim has been honing his routine for decades, ever since he was deferred from the draft, at the age of 22, because of high blood pressure. "I knew I could do something about it, and I didn't want to take drugs," he recalls.
If the health and fitness habits he's been developing since then are the reason he looks so young now, that would be really good to know.
I took the question -- and Jim's picture -- to experts in aging, nutrition, cell function, dermatology, genetics and vitamin research. The answer, pretty clearly, is that his efforts have in fact had a big impact on the way he looks, good genes or not.
"The older you get, the more influence you have, so that by the time you're 50, it's about 70 percent choices, about 30 percent genetics," said Michael Roizen, chair of the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. Roizen has spent years studying aging and runs a hugely popular website,, that offers health and fitness advice. Luigi Ferrucci, scientific director at the National Institute on Aging, agreed that genes are only a piece of the puzzle, and probably not the biggest.
As director of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, which has followed about 5,000 people since 1958, Ferrucci has been able to see firsthand what makes a difference in the way people age.
"You don't get the genes for being younger," he said. "You get the gene that allows you to do the right things to slow down your aging process."
So let's look at what Jim does.
1 Avoids the big no-no's: Virtually everyone I spoke with listed one or more of these factors working in my husband's favor right from the start: He doesn't smoke, doesn't have sun damage and drinks only moderately. The vigor with which these researchers voiced these opinions reminded me to scare my kids even more about smoking and drinking -- and about the importance of sunscreen.
2 Gets moderate exercise: Ferrucci calls exercise "the strongest beneficial behavior intervention that we know about." Moderate exercise makes the biggest difference, he said.
That would be Jim's style. His exercise routine is limited by a busy law practice, three young kids and a wife who also works. So he squeezes in a 20- to 30-minute aerobic workout on the bike or rowing machine three to four days a week in our basement, followed by 10 to 20 minutes of weight training.
Roizen said he laughed out loud when he read an email from me outlining my husband's exercise program: It was almost the exact same workout plan Roizen promotes as the ideal routine to retard the effects of aging.
3 Eats a healthy diet and eats moderately: Jim's weight has never fluctuated much, but in the past five to 10 years he has eliminated many unhealthful foods from his diet and reduced his portion sizes, causing him to drop 10 pounds without much effort. The trick, I think, has been making these changes gradually so the adjustment has been easy.
Despite a weakness for chocolate chip cookies, Jim now eats more whole grains, much less fat, more fish and more fruit and vegetables. He also eats virtually no red meat, which Roizen applauds.
"It could be the saturated fat; we're not sure. But something in red meat accelerates inflammation in arteries," he said. "And it turns out that inflammation in arteries ages your skin, ages your heart, ages all the things where your blood vessels go."
4 Eats a diet high in antioxidants: Jim devours dark fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, blackberries, watermelon, dark romaine lettuce and other dark greens. I scour the supermarket ads for BOGO deals: buy one for Jim, get one free for the rest of us.
These foods are good because they are full of antioxidants, which are thought to bind with the unstable molecules that are constantly released as a byproduct of metabolism.
Although the science is still not conclusive for humans, there is strong evidence that these free radicals, knocking around in search of other molecules to bind to, damage healthy cells in the process. This oxidative stress can lead to inflammation and other adverse effects, said Josephine Briggs, director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.
"I have become a very strong believer in a diet rich in antioxidants," Briggs said. "These things have a very strong observational correlation with health."
5 Takes Vitamin E: Jim has been taking moderate Vitamin E supplements daily for 40 years. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that, in animal testing, has been shown to prolong the life of cells and reduce cell proliferation.
Could it be helping Jim maintain his youthful looks?
"Yes, of course," said Maret Traber, one of the nation's lead researchers on Vitamin E. A professor of nutrition at Oregon State University, she is also a principal investigator at the university's Linus Pauling Institute, which investigates the role of vitamins and micronutrients in health and aging. She said Vitamin E, working alone or in concert with other vitamins, is doing more for Jim than improving his appearance.
"Your husband's insides, I think, look way better than his outsides, and you can quote me," she said. (This was backed up by my husband's annual checkup a month ago, with ideal or better-than-ideal results on every physical exam and blood test. "He's going to put me out of business with a physical like that," his longtime internist, Elliott Aleskow, told me.)
Traber's position is somewhat controversial: Several major studies in humans have shown little benefit from Vitamin E supplements and possible harm from high doses of about 800 milligrams a day. (Jim takes 200 milligrams a day.)
Demetrius Albanes of the National Cancer Institute led one of the few major studies that showed a positive influence for Vitamin E in humans. In this study of 29,000 Finnish men, all of them smokers, those with the highest levels of Vitamin E in their blood had a "significant" reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease and overall mortality after 12 to 20 years, he said. "Designing a good study is complicated," he said, adding that more research on Vitamin E is needed.
Jim does other things that various experts say affect the aging process: He moisturizes his skin daily, he flosses regularly, manages stress well, has a job he often finds rewarding, has a hobby that he enjoys (photography), has a good marriage and healthy kids. Many experts said living a happy life is a key element in aging well, and Jim, even though he works long hours, is pretty happy.
"Yeah, I'd say that's true," he told me. I was only slightly stepping on his small toe when I asked that.
But I was left with one lingering doubt about the role of genetics. Surely it's genetic that he has no gray hair, right?
"I wouldn't count on that," said Ferrucci. "There is some observation that gray hair has a lot to do with oxidative stress."
Like so much in the field of aging, this is a new area of research. It was discovered only a few years ago that the pigment in hair comes from stem cells in the hair follicle. If they stop working, usually later in life, the hair turns gray.
This is a bit perplexing, though, because stem cells have the ability to self-renew, said Mayumi Ito, an assistant professor of cell biology at NYU's Langone Medical Center and one of the few U.S. researchers in this field. No one has demonstrated what factors keep particular stem cells functioning. "I personally assume it is both a genetic process and an environmental process," she said, "as it is with so much else."
The aging process is complicated; it makes sense that if someone is aging especially well, the reasons would be just as complicated. In my husband's case, it is more than good genes; it's everything he's done on top of that, including the right kind of exercise, a beneficial diet and the many other ways he takes care of himself.
The message, at least, is simple: Making an effort can really pay off."
Mark Bittman: Cooking Solves Everything
In this excerpt from the new Byliner Original, bestselling columnist Mark Bittman reflects on his introduction to the world of cooking, and our country's subsequent alienation from it.
Buy Mark Bittman's "Cooking Solves Everything: How Time in the Kitchen Can Save Your Health, Your Budget, and Even the Planet" for $2.99.
What cooking did for me cannot be overstated. It was my first constructive hobby, my first real learned craft. It was an organizing principle for seeing the cities in which I lived as well as those I visited. It became the basis for socializing as an adult. Instead of smoking pot and eating junk food, I was learning to sauté chicken breasts, serve them with green-peppercorn cream sauce, and choose a wine to go with them. And, after the birth of my first daughter in 1978, cooking was an important means of kneading (if you will) the family together.
While I was learning to cook, I was learning to work. I wasn’t all that disciplined. In fact, I was lazy: I saw cooking as a means to an end. Which is OK. We don’t cook for pleasure the way we make love or watch a movie for pleasure. Most of the time, we cook the way we walk: to get somewhere. To get food on the table. That’s the goal. As you do this, you get better at it. First you follow recipes to the letter; then you begin to synthesize some of those recipes, comparing one with another and drawing on what you see as the best of them; then you develop a repertoire of recipes you’ve made your own. Finally you throw away the books, start shopping, open the refrigerator, and cook. You cook like a grandmother, or like anyone with experience.
Still, most people don’t bother. According to a National Restaurant Association survey, a third of Americans think that take-out makes them “more productive”; three-fourths think the social opportunity of restaurant eating is a better use of their time than “cooking and cleaning”; and more than half think they can’t duplicate the “taste sensations” of restaurants at home. (For some reason this one angers me more than the others. The reason you can’t duplicate flavors at home is because you’re not using “enough” MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, and garlic powder. The reason you can’t duplicate “fine” restaurant food at home is probably because you’re not using enough salt or fat—often butter, but have you seen how much olive oil a really good Italian cook uses?) Almost everyone agrees that eating in a restaurant relieves “monotony.”
But real cooking is not monotonous; it’s as varied and challenging and rewarding a task as exists. Unlike tennis, for example, which is incredibly difficult to become good at, or driving, which is easy but really monotonous, cooking will pay you back in spades every single time you do it. I agree that cleaning up can be monotonous, but the majority of Americans have dishwashers.
Americans, I’m sad to report, spend less time cooking than anyone. How do we spend our time? According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2010 the average American spent thirty-two minutes each day preparing food and cleaning up, as opposed to two hours and forty-five minutes watching TV. Other activities competing with meal preparation include online pursuits and socializing—things for which we generally don’t budget time. (Few people say, “I don’t have time for television.” They say, “I don’t have time to cook.” Note that they have time to watch people cook on television!)
I will not argue that cooking is effortless, like watching television. It requires time, though often as little as thirty minutes. We make time for the things we care about, regardless of what they are. For many people, cooking is as much a priority as other optional aspects of life. Cooking is like exercise or spending time in nature or good conversation: The more you do it, the more you like it, the better you get at it, and the more you recognize that its rewards are far greater than its efforts and that even its efforts are rewards. When you become even marginally good at cooking, you begin to enjoy the process. Even the shopping. Even, sometimes, the cleanup.
Buy Mark Bittman's "Cooking Solves Everything: How Time in the Kitchen Can Save Your Health, Your Budget, and Even the Planet"
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7 Secrets for Sticking to Your Walking Goal from Leslie Sansone
1. Make your goal doable. If you stick a 3-year-old on a two-wheeler and tell him to ride, he's going to fall off and refuse to get back on for a long time. Make your immediate goal something you know you can do -- if it's just a 10-minute walk, fine. Don't push yourself to the brink of exhaustion. Just do it, and aim to do slightly more every week. Eventually, you'll achieve goals that first seemed beyond you.
2. Get in your face. The best way to do something regularly is to have constant reminders to do it. Have walking shoes at home and at work. Put a chart on your fridge. Check in with your walking tracker every day. Keep your goal in sight.
3. Seek out positive people. If your friends believe that exercise is a waste and are interested in only watching TV or going out for dessert, you're going to be forcing yourself to walk alone. Cultivate new friends, people who like being physically active, and suddenly walking every day gets much easier. Join the RealAge walkers -- talk about positive people!
4. Put it in writing. You can have the best intentions in the world, but a funny thing happens as time passes. You don't want to walk one morning, and then at the end of that week, you've walked five times instead of six or seven, and you tell yourself that's still pretty good. Soon, three times a week is still pretty good, and you don't remember your goal of at least five walks a week. That's why it's vital to write down your goals.
5. Avoid temptation. Whatever your guiltiest habit is, get everything related to it as far from yourself as possible. If your goal is to be fit and eat less junk, the best favor you can do yourself is to clear your house of junk food (be sure to toss these foods, too). Removing temptation does make a difference.
6. Recognize negative thinking patterns. There are a million varieties, but they all come down to the same issue: not existing in the here and now. Things get complicated when your mind starts focusing on the past or future, not the present. Maybe you say, "When I've lost 100 pounds, I'll look good," or "If I had started this a year ago, I'd really see progress now." But these thoughts trick you into ignoring one reality: that anything you do happens one step at a time, starting today.
7. Aim for no slips for 4 weeks. Once you've established a pattern, you can slip now and then and it won't affect your overall success or motivation. But earlier slips interfere with forming a new habit. So for the first month, try extra hard to stick to your goals. If necessary, remind yourself that you will be allowed to deviate eventually. Sticking to something with no slips for 4 weeks is doable; doing it for life with no slips isn't.
5 a day - the easy way
Kellie Collins
"We all know by now that we should be eating more fruit and vegetables. From newspapers and magazines, leaflets in supermarkets and even labels on the food we buy, we are constantly encouraged to eat more of the green stuff. And that’s no bad thing.
Fruit and vegetables are power-houses of nutrition. Packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and all kinds of phyto-nutrients, fibre and water, diets rich in fruit and veg are associated with better health – lower heart attack risk, lower risks of some cancers, decreased obesity, better eye-sight, healthier looking skin – you name it, fruit and veg have a role in it.
But just how many portions of fruit and veg should we be aiming for every day…and what is a portion? If you’ve been getting through 2 cartons of juice and 3 tins of beans every day to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, well done for trying. But a closer look at the Department of Health’s recommendations will help you take a step in the right direction.
The Department of Health recently launched new guidelines on what exactly counts as a portion of fruit and vegetables, after a National Diet and Nutrition Survey revealed that only one in seven adults eat the recommended quantity of greens on a regular basis. Part of the problem is that, while a lot of people are aware of the need to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day, there seems to be a bit of confusion over what exactly constitutes a portion.
The 5 a day campaign was initially launched to encourage people to eat more fruit and vegetables as the evidence shows that eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day could help prevent up to 20% of deaths from conditions such as heart disease and cancer. That’s a lot of lives saved just by eating more of something.
However, some food manufacturers jumped on the 5 a day bandwagon and began to promote their products as being as healthy and nutritious as fresh fruit or vegetables. Take baked beans, for example.
Beans do count as a vegetable portion and the tomato sauce they come in can also go some way to meeting your 5 a day. In fact, cooked tomatoes provide even more of the anti-oxidant lycopene than fresh tomatoes. But when those beans and cooked tomatoes are accompanied by salt, sugar, fat, Tele-Tubbie shaped pasta and even mini-sausages, the health message begins to get pushed a little to one side.
The Department of Health now insist that companies who make claims like this will have to review their recipes to ensure their processed foods are not high in fat, sugar or salt, if they want to be included in the 5 a day campaign.
So, what exactly counts as a portion of fruit and veg?
Well, the list below should help you out on that one. But to confuse matters, there are some foods that can only count once. Whether you drink a glass of fruit juice or a whole carton of fruit juice, it can only count as one fruit and veg portion per day. Sorry folks, but when fruit and veg are juiced, they lose their fibre so this guideline is in place to ensure we all get enough fibre to keep our bowels happy. If you smoothie your fruit, on the other hand (blend up whole fruit with milk, yoghurt and other yummy things like honey), each fruit portion that goes into your blender counts.
Beans (small, round beans like baked beans, not long thin green ones) and pulses can only count once because they are higher in protein and calories and lower in water than other vegetables. And 100% concentrated puree, such as tomato puree, can also only count as one portion, no matter how much you eat of the stuff.
And to set the record straight, frozen is just as good (sometimes better) than fresh, and tinned veggies are certainly better than none if that’s all you have access to.
Have a look at what constitutes a portion and get yourself down to the greengrocers pronto.
Fruit - aim for at least 2 servings a day.
½ avocado or grapefruit 1 medium apple, banana, orange, fresh peach, large slice of fresh pineapple, tablespoon of raisins, handful of grapes, handful of banana chips (a handful is how much will comfortably fit in the palm of your hand) 2 inch slice of melon, small mandarin-type oranges, rings of canned pineapple, plums, apricots, kiwi fruit, handfuls of raspberries 3 dates 7 slices of canned peach, strawberries 14 cherries
Vegetables - aim for at least 3 servings a day - but the more the merrier
½ pepper 1 cereal bowl of lettuce, medium onion, medium tomato, large parsnip 2 inches of cucumber, spears of broccoli, heaped tablespoons of cooked spinach 3 sticks of celery, heaped tablespoons of sweetcorn, lentils or beans (only once a day), mixed frozen vegetables, peas or carrots 5 spears of asparagus 7 slices of beetroot, cherry tomatoes 8 cauliflower florets, Brussels sprouts
As with everything else, variety is the spice of life. Although not specified in the government guidelines, we would recommend that waist watchers don’t rely on avocado, banana chips and raisins for their 5 a day. Avocado is a relatively high-fat food (okay, it’s good fat, but it’s still fat), banana chips are all too often fried and dried fruit can be coated in oil to keep them shiny and as good as new.
So fill up your plate with greens (and reds, oranges, yellows and purples) and get on target for better health."
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